Jan 3, 2009

Our Tastes-- Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA

By the label is an Imperial IPA, DFH's 120min IPA, pours beyond a dark apricot, more of a plum jelly color with an unassuming aroma! The foaming color is almost a creamy dark yellow, as though it still had hops growing in it! The taste is an explosion of initially a velvet carpet across the tongue that erupts in a malty hop that goes beyond my description. The alcohol gives a downward frown to my mouth even after 6 or so other beers! I just smacked myself to make sure I was still awake. You breathe out an antiseptic equal to Listerine on crack, no need for a dental cleaning. Boiled for 120mins continuously hopped with high alpha American hops, then dry-hopped daily for a month then aged for another month over whole hops and only released thrice yearly! In this hop shortage I can see why. 20%abv, 120 IBUs and 450kcal/12er, age for a decade or so....