Jan 3, 2009

Brew Batch #29 The Bees' Knees Mead©

Branching out from our normal barley side we enter into a domain of godly nectar and deadly stingers... I decided to try my hand at making some mead, particularly a cyser. Started with 1.5C small batches of apple cider then added 5lbs of clover honey and 2 3" sticks of cinnamon. Repeated this 3 times and let it cool overnight. I forgot to adjust for the volume of honey which was 80oz/5lb container so I ended up with waaayy more volume than I thought (almost 6 gallons). However, OG on this one was 1.124 +0.001 @70F. I will pitch the yeast starter and nutrient tomorrow and hope for the best. Making this stuff was a breeze even though I hovered like it was my first batch. Only problem is that it will take up my 6C glass carboy for the next year probably, time to buy a new one;)