Jan 2, 2009

Our Tastes-- Yazoo Hop Project #9

An interesting ply to keep hopheads acoming. Linus (Yazoo's brewmaster) started a series of pale ales/IPAs where the hop additions simply aren't the same from batch to batch. When I saw him at the Magic City Brewfest this spring it was Hop Project #6, I think. But as soon as I saw his "Pleasure Chest" (an old converted Coca-Cola ice box) I had to have what was in it (a few times:) This IPA pours a creamy froth and awesome reddish-brown color. The best part of this over-the-top beer first is the aroma. I have never smelled such a flowery, piney aroma. I wonder if it was dry-hopped, those types of beers seem to grab the olfactory a bit more. The taste is without explanation. These Hop Project beers are so hoppy, I'd be curious to know what the IBUs are on average for these last 9. If you don't like hops, steer clear, because this batch is like hop extract with a little alcohol added, I feel as though I have cleansed the bacteria (and enamel) out of my mouth just by having this pint. This mamma-jamma is made with Zeus, Galena, Simcoe, and Glacier. Never had a beer with Zeus, but this new variety has to be a bittering hop at almost 17% α-alpha, Glacier is the new Fuggles or Syrian Goldings (so was it dry-hopped with this?), Simcoe has got to be the aroma hop with Galena smacking around as who knows what.