Oct 7, 2008

Brew Batch #26 REINKE'S REVENGE 2008

Yep, it's time for that special recipe again this year. I've changed to brew process and recipe just a bit this year in the hopes that if I enter next year's Sam Adams LongShot that maybe I can go a little further than I did this year. Oh yeah, I didn't blog that, more later for now let the brew begin:
>1703hrs-- Dropped the grain
>1811hrs-- 30min sit, this time we went to 130F for 10mins (rest), 140F for 15 mins (rest) now up to 155F with a standard 30mins (rest), I'm hoping this helps extraction efficiency, but I've lost my copy of The Complete Joy of Homebrewing.
>1855hrs-- Sparged, now raising to boil.
>2006-- About 20mins left from the final hop addition with an ice bath awaiting, before this a little Galena and Fuggles.
>2100hrs-- The brew is done, waiting for a cool down having some pizza, and tasters, OG to come.
>2318hrs-- Pitching yeast. Standby... Scottish Thames never smelled so good, OG 1.079+0.001 @69.4F
>Looks like another award winner done in hand with The Enabler
>10/9/08-- Damn thing was so active the stopper almost launched out of the fermenter like a rocket and the plastic top was bulged, had to use my racking tube as a blow off, and it's still WIDE open