Oct 10, 2008

Oktoberfest Cures

Since it's that time of year, thought it would be a good time to go over some cures for head pounding, some of these I just read in an article are tried and true. Drink light colored distillates (gin, rum, vodka), it actually works unless you destroy a quart of wine. Water every 2hrs, puts you ahead of the dehydration caused by inhibition of vasopressin, Gatorade seems to be better because the salt helps retain more fluid along with the other minerals it has. More Hair of the Dog when you awake simply outs off the inevitable. Exercise has help you sweat it out but remember you are already dehydrated so this simply helps take it off your mind while you run but you're getting a good workout. My personal favorite is a Super B complex vitamin and a little water or Gatorade before bed, this really helps since a "banana bag" at the hospital for drunks has pretty much this in it to help prevent or treat Wernicke's encephalopathy. Of course you can always try "The Bull's eye"..a raw egg in 12oz of OJ, the egg replaces nutrients with glucose and vitamins from the juice? Haven't tried it but it seems like the juice would sour into the shats and the egg could give you salmonella?