Next to the tastebuds is an "ale inspired by the doctrines of medieval chemists", Jinx, a strong fall ale, is our next mouth slapper. Second in the Night of the Living Dead sampler, it pours a copper-brown, flat white head with elusive malty aroma that gives way to a medium mouthfeel of smoked peat. Made with pale, cara, crystal and smoked whiskey malts, bittered with Columbus, this one is a 6.9%abv (scissors, paper, rock, same hand yells jinx just like saying the same thing at the same time).
Oct 7, 2008
Our Tastes-- Magic Hat Jinx
Next to the tastebuds is an "ale inspired by the doctrines of medieval chemists", Jinx, a strong fall ale, is our next mouth slapper. Second in the Night of the Living Dead sampler, it pours a copper-brown, flat white head with elusive malty aroma that gives way to a medium mouthfeel of smoked peat. Made with pale, cara, crystal and smoked whiskey malts, bittered with Columbus, this one is a 6.9%abv (scissors, paper, rock, same hand yells jinx just like saying the same thing at the same time).