Oct 31, 2008

Our Tastes-- Shiner Munich Style Helles Lager

Closing in on my goal of 31 beers in 31 days, I finally try Shiner's latest anniversary beer, Munich Style Helles Lager (aka. Shiner 99). These beers initially were thought to be simply tributes to Shiner's upcoming centennial year, the brewery I hope to visit next year, but really this is ingenious market research. When Shiner 97 (Bohemian Black Lager) came out it was an absolute smash; therefore, people begged for its return. Currently they offer what is supposed to be the same recipe (it isn't, trust me) as a regular in the line up in an all black package. They are simply testing out new niches for the sake of mass market research!! Brilliant! So begat Shiner 99, a clear light straw yeasty tasting bread beer with flat head that when I poured my mouth full I sat patiently and waited...and waited for a taste...of something...but there was nothing. Moral to this tasting is that if you want BMC taste, don't have it shipped from Texas. Made with wheat, barley and Munich malt, this one pays tribute to the Czech brewers that founded Spoetzl Brewery. To tell you how "bright" which is what helles means, this one is 6 SRM, yeah, only water may be clearer, 4.9%abv. Well maybe 100 will be something special.