Keeping up with the sampler Odd Notion Winter 07', not sure what exactly this one was because they are already distributing ON08' which is a braggot and the website has already replaced it but it tastes like a warming winter ale, we especially like the nice "snow flakes" caused by the yeast/hop bed caused in brew. Had to do some digging to find out what this one was and it's a dark wheat ale, which regaled a "oohhh" from the crowd. 7.5%abv, with a fine sweet aroma. The label spins the mind of Ole Saint Nick heading out from the North Pole but for us it was the house of Sauromon, which was one of the Two Towers!
Oct 7, 2008
Our Tastes-- Magic Hat Odd Notion Winter 07'
Keeping up with the sampler Odd Notion Winter 07', not sure what exactly this one was because they are already distributing ON08' which is a braggot and the website has already replaced it but it tastes like a warming winter ale, we especially like the nice "snow flakes" caused by the yeast/hop bed caused in brew. Had to do some digging to find out what this one was and it's a dark wheat ale, which regaled a "oohhh" from the crowd. 7.5%abv, with a fine sweet aroma. The label spins the mind of Ole Saint Nick heading out from the North Pole but for us it was the house of Sauromon, which was one of the Two Towers!