A howling hefeweizen out of the Night of the Living Dead variety pack from Magic Hat, this was one of the samplers The Enabler legged back from D.C. "..a bump that goes bump in the night. Four fiendishly phantasmic formulas..", are contained withing this one. Circus Boy is a great hefe that pours with a heavy white head to flattening then easily aroused along with the aroma upon swirling. The color is perfection with cloudy straw. Aroma is sweet bananas and clove. A predictable beer, but nonetheless, a worthwhile oral venture. Made with malted wheat, pale malt and amarillo (same as Yazoo Pale Ale) this one's good. 4.4%abv. Hefeweizen yeast.
Oct 7, 2008
Our Tastes-- Magic Hat Circus Boy
A howling hefeweizen out of the Night of the Living Dead variety pack from Magic Hat, this was one of the samplers The Enabler legged back from D.C. "..a bump that goes bump in the night. Four fiendishly phantasmic formulas..", are contained withing this one. Circus Boy is a great hefe that pours with a heavy white head to flattening then easily aroused along with the aroma upon swirling. The color is perfection with cloudy straw. Aroma is sweet bananas and clove. A predictable beer, but nonetheless, a worthwhile oral venture. Made with malted wheat, pale malt and amarillo (same as Yazoo Pale Ale) this one's good. 4.4%abv. Hefeweizen yeast.