Let the tasting begin! Now tonight we split the beer up with H2O intake and some book signings with Charlie Papazian, Sam Calagione, and Ray Daniels. The gates opened a few minutes early to start herding us in and someone with a TV camera stopped and said, "Hey, where you from?" The Scottish bagpipes were playin' and the climb up the staircases put us at eye level with the 3-story tall blue polar bear outside. The Enabler and I grabbed our plastic tasting glasses and the list that follows is as good as it can be when it comes to sampling beer like you're speed dating:
The 1st beer will always be the best and it seems fitting to be Samuel Adams Utopias 09', no surprises here, we've had it before just not out of a pitcher! Samuel Adams Stony Brook Red- nose of tart fruit, a Belgian style with toasted notes, Samuel Adams Kriek, Samuel Adams Longshot 1, 2, & 3- Rae Rae's ale, Don Tiburon (Japanese for shark) ale and Lavender Honey Brew from a girl that just brewed her first batch, by far the worst of the 3 and yet she won, go figure, Swashbuckler Brewing Co.- no pouring, Jolly Pumpkin- Bier de Mars, a "warm" beer with heavy alcohol notes, New Glarus Brewing Co. -Raspberry Tart, one of the top 3 beers in the world sought after, I loved it and I'm not that kind typical beer drinker, DFH -Bitch's Brew, a dedication to Myles Davis's great jazz album and a truly wonderful beer, imperial stout mixed with Ethopian influenced honey beer, bittered with gesho root, Il Vincino Brewing Co. -we had the Vienna, Export, St Bob's 06', 05' Old Ale and Rye PA and honestly can't remember the exacts of each but the Vienna had a great complex of malt, Humperdinks -The Enabler and both had the Chocolator, and the Überbrau, Avery - Dugana and Depuceleuce which I can't find memorable other than the 2nd beer was hard to say, Alaskan Brewing Co. -Smoked Porter 09', well worth every medal, and the ever popular (drum roll please...) BlackStone -St. Charles Porter! (another medal winner), Widmer Brothers -Shaddock IPA, eh, Bells -The Oracle DIPA, was bitterly lovely, Russian River -Temptation, can't call it, Rubicon -Winter Wheat, in relation to the QQWW I've made, it was smooze and warming! 10 Barrel -Auburn Alehouse -Not Auburn, AL (the ones playing Clemson this weekend) but Auburn, CA 95603, Gold Digga IPA, PU420 Imperial IPA (the most interesting of beers as explained by the Asian guy that explained it as a fusion beer with regards to the actual atomic process), McFord's IPA, Gold Country Pilsner, No Pressure Alt Beer, Grand Teton -Sweet Grass APA, great American beer, met one of the brewers and never made it back for a pic op, Left Hand BC -Oxymoron Hoppy Lager, thinking about selling my bottles already that I picked up at Argonaut's, yeecckk, nothing cool about this beer but the labels, RedStone Meadery -Nectar of the Hops, nicely balanced warmth of EtOH and hops, the some other mead we can't remember, Clipper City -Loose Cannon Golden Ale, a phenom beer to end the evening. We shall see thee upon the morrow.
Sep 16, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #17 GABF 2010 Day 2
Let Mortal Kombat begin. Today we embark on a trip over 3 years in the making. BTW, it took less time fly to Mars! Already made it to Argonaut package store and tried to empty the store currently though we are at Bull & Bush having lunch. Red partakes of a Black Coast IPA, Junk and The Enabler sip a Man Beer and I swill down some Fyfe's Highland Ale currently they have 17 beers just on tap just for GABF.
Fyfe's Highland Ale has a sweet malty smokey nose with flat head and garnet color with peat smokey taste. Red carries on by sampling Hail Brau Hefeweizen. I move onto the Black Coast IPA and The Enabler tempts the Big Ben Brown Ale. Black Coast IPA is dark translucence with nice hoppy nose. Taste has a great roasty grain and bitter hoppiness. It gets 4.5 bulls and 2 bushes on malt and hoppiness. And in just a little while we start the real fun.
Fyfe's Highland Ale has a sweet malty smokey nose with flat head and garnet color with peat smokey taste. Red carries on by sampling Hail Brau Hefeweizen. I move onto the Black Coast IPA and The Enabler tempts the Big Ben Brown Ale. Black Coast IPA is dark translucence with nice hoppy nose. Taste has a great roasty grain and bitter hoppiness. It gets 4.5 bulls and 2 bushes on malt and hoppiness. And in just a little while we start the real fun.
Sep 15, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #17 GABF 2010 Day 1

Arrival was memorable. The flight even better other than the storm front we had to cut around at 50K feet just over Kansas. Had a Heineken on the flight in and a Corona for The Enabler, sponsored by my P-i-L (pop-in-law) with some drink coupons. The iPhone has sold itself as indispensable. Found the convention center, Cherry Creek running path, and a great package store with an awesome yet high priced beer selection.
Sep 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- BBC Professor Gesser's IPA
Professor Gesser's IPA is one of a few brews my squeeze brought back from Louisville on her last trip and one I needed to share. Not currently on their website but there are many ratings on ratebeer and beeradvocate. It pours a nice dark copper with yellowish flattening head. Characterized as an American IPA the nose seems to have a Chinook or Cascade to it. It has a strong bitter up front taste with little hop blending to it. I understand IPAs are supposed to have a bitter taste to them but this one seems to have a "bad" bitterness to it, almost astringent. No malt to mention on this one. On other reviews it has the abv at 7.1-9% which is a warming redeeming quality but then again you can get bad moonshine at 70% (from what I hear;)
Aug 30, 2010
Our Tastes-- Rogue Brewer's Ale
Named after Brew Dawg (1993-2006) this beer 1st appeared in 2008 to pay tribute, like most brewers to their favorite brewing companion, the dog. There is a scary likeness to many beers that we have tried including, Ubu, Winter Cheer (Spanish Peaks) and others SweetWater..Barley. There seems to be an affection to brewers and large breed dogs including labs. This pours a great true medium brown with frothy tan head. Nose is an experience of hops over malt. As it rolls around in the mouth, I think to myself, "Damn I wish this had been brewed again". But alas this was brewed once and it retired. An American Strong Ale of 9%abv that I would buy a 100 times.
Our Tastes-- Festive Ale
One of the few Rogue beers I have left to taste (until they come out with another). Festive Ale is a Belgian Style Saison Farmhouse Ale. Oddly enough, this boggles my mind. I normally think living in the SE when a beer says "festive ale" because of the local influence of a dark, high EtOH, slightly spiced "SweetWater-type" beer, but this is the antithesis of that. The nose is that of slightly sour sweet malt. Color is a cloudy heavy particulate dark mustard. Taste is clean with slight tart apricot undertones. 6.2%abv made with Two-row pale malt, Myrtle leaves, bitter orange peel, ginger root, Grains of Paradise and hopped with Czech Saaz then fermented with Belgian Saison yeast. I would definitely have another, just to myself.
Our Tastes-- XS Old Crustacean Barleywine Style Ale
We're trying XS Old Crustacean Barleywine Style Ale as we close in on the end of the Rogue run. It is a cloudy soft medium brown with a yellow to tan flattening head with the nose of malt, raisins, clove, and molasses being so thick I could smell it before I put the crocker down. It is well balanced with slight hoppiness giving way to a decent malt bill then the hops make a phenomenal rally to the tongue and gums well at the end, a good minute after the swallow. There is a charred almost meat flavor to it as well. Wow what a great beer! Made with Hugh Baird Carastan & Rogue Micro Barley Farm Dare & Risk Malts: Chinook, Rogue Micro Hopyard Revolution & Freedom Hops. 110 IBUs, 25 Plato and 11.5%abv, mmm, mmm, good.
Aug 26, 2010
Our Tastes-- YSB
Again, a Rogue beer, just when I think I'm at the end of my Rogue line another beer appears. YSB, named after the aforementioned (see previous post). It pours the same hue and has basically the same nose with a kick. No particulate in this one. It has a nice fruity, caramel and hop balance as mentioned, but the nose is what sets it apart from the XS series. Weird I would think it the other way around. Made with Northwest Harrington, Klages and Crystal 50-60 and hopped with Willamette and Kent Goldings. Get down with this one before the XS.
Our Tastes-- Velas Helles
On a recent trip to Sevierville, TN, The Enabler snagged a couple of growlers from Smoky Mountain Brewery. One of these contained Velas Helles a European light lager hopped with Bavarian hops. Dark straw in color and award winner this one has the usual light lager nose with a bit of hop aroma to it. Taste is clean with a pronounced Bavarian hop aftertaste. Nice overall profile must be good after cutting grass.
Aug 19, 2010
Brew Batch #43 Wicked Merry's Berry
WMB was racked from primary to secondary and had 2lbs of fresh blueberries added for aroma. Gravity has dropped well on this one and I hope to have it in a keg in about a week. Shortly thereafter Merry should be able to fill her own growler of brew for the Auburn games!
Aug 14, 2010
Our Tastes-- XS Imperial Younger's Special Bitter
XS Imperial YSB pours an orange marmalade particulate color with yellow flattening head. Sweet alcoholic slightly hoppy head and the taste is a mouth watering hop explosion. It catches you a bit off guard with regards to the type of beer it is. It's not your standard bitter by far. Made with 2-row pale and Crystal and hopped with Willamette, Kent Golding and Amarillo. This is a beer a would by again. Oddly enough, as of June 2010 this one will be available on draft, 750ml ceramic crocker and "a 7oz nip bottle". Named after Rogue's 1st account (1989) owner William Younger of the Horse Brass Pub, who died in 1994, this beer was first brewed in 06' (to commemorate the 30th anniversary of that pub) and passed onto now owner Don younger for his brother. A couple of World Beer Cups later 07' and 08', at 7.4%abv this one's a keepsie.
Brew Batch #42 Belgian IPA
KEGGED UP! Ready for serving by the next CABS meeting? This one turned out well from what I can tell of the "swill swish". Should have a nice hoppy note from the Yakima, Saaz and Cascade but a great "yeasty" profile from the 3522 used. If 1010 were a monkey, this beer would sit atop it's head... FG 1.010+0.001 @74F to yield a healthy antithesis to the bitter the the kegerator next, 8.1%abv. These BIPAs have become my latest favs:)
Aug 7, 2010
National Mead Day 2010
This is the 1st time I have heard of such a date but then again my wife pointed out National Cigar Day to our local tobacco shop! Having some The Bees' Knees Mead© 2009 and it's exhilarating.
Aug 4, 2010
Brew Batch #43 Wicked Merry's Berry, Again, and Again
Knocked out a secretive WMB batch today following my old notes and recipe, only problem is that I have to wait for the yeast culture to get here tomorrow because the original one dudded. So everything is set we just need UPS to show up tomorrow for a quick smack and pour to get this one in the keg for my girlfrass's b'day (wife) in August.
Update 8/4/10:
Yeah, well UPS has failed me in the last few days then again so did FedEx. Even though the new yeast culture was supposed to be here the following day, it was the day after even though it arrived in my city the day I needed it, it just wasn't sorted for delivery. Then a day after that it was ready to go, but by then when I cracked the lid on my fermenter (insert "Psycho" shower scene stabbing music here") there were mold colonies floating in this super sweet liquid! So, here we are brewing yet another batch while it's 95F (Heat Index 111F) in the garage with every fan I can find going while the namesake is at work! MacKenzie is having a sip of SW 420 IPA with me to cool ourselves. Ultimately this will end up being the most expensive batch of beer I have ever brewed just ingredient-wise. I think so far I am at about $55 and have yet to pitch yeast:( I'm not worried about posting this because my wife has little interest in my piddling and has forgotten the website addy:) OG 1.046 +0.002 @75 which falls in line with last time, now hope for the b'day best.
Knocked out a secretive WMB batch today following my old notes and recipe, only problem is that I have to wait for the yeast culture to get here tomorrow because the original one dudded. So everything is set we just need UPS to show up tomorrow for a quick smack and pour to get this one in the keg for my girlfrass's b'day (wife) in August.
Update 8/4/10:
Yeah, well UPS has failed me in the last few days then again so did FedEx. Even though the new yeast culture was supposed to be here the following day, it was the day after even though it arrived in my city the day I needed it, it just wasn't sorted for delivery. Then a day after that it was ready to go, but by then when I cracked the lid on my fermenter (insert "Psycho" shower scene stabbing music here") there were mold colonies floating in this super sweet liquid! So, here we are brewing yet another batch while it's 95F (Heat Index 111F) in the garage with every fan I can find going while the namesake is at work! MacKenzie is having a sip of SW 420 IPA with me to cool ourselves. Ultimately this will end up being the most expensive batch of beer I have ever brewed just ingredient-wise. I think so far I am at about $55 and have yet to pitch yeast:( I'm not worried about posting this because my wife has little interest in my piddling and has forgotten the website addy:) OG 1.046 +0.002 @75 which falls in line with last time, now hope for the b'day best.
Jul 30, 2010
Our Tastes-- Maierfest Lager

Jul 20, 2010
Brew Batch #41 SHB2
Did a little kegging today with my Single Hop Best Bitter (all Fuggle). FG 1.002+ 0.001 @74F to give it a perfect session's abv of 5.1%. We even broke out the Beer Tasting and Hop Appreciation Kit to see how the Fuggle played out and it was seamless. Just transferred it to the kegerator for some chilling before putting gas on for conditioning.
Jul 16, 2010
Brew Batch #42 Belgian IPA
This is the current weather map as we brew and mind you many a great batch hath been born on nights such as this:
1st addition is Yakima Magnum for 60min, followed by Saaz, Cascade and another 6lbs of Pilsen LME with 15mins left, we started with no grain and 3.15lbs. Pilsen LME. Then with 5mins left I added another 1oz of Saaz and Cascade then finished with 2lbs of corn sugar at the end of the boil. OG 1.066+0.002 @80F. I'm rather excited about this batch since Belgian IPAs seem to be my palate's latest preference, even had some Belgica while brewing tonight.
Jul 9, 2010
Our Tastes-- Bold City 1901 Red Ale
Limited info on the website about 1901 Red Ale is a translucent deep ruby highlighted beer with tan head. Nose is an oddity at best that I can't put me finger on (sorry, we're watching Far and Away). See flavor notes on Choc Beer and make it dark, The Enabler was right on the penny with this one. Coffee aroma, acidic to phenolic taste (maybe week old granny smith apples?) with a lingering coffee after about 30 seconds.
Jul 8, 2010
Deadliest Warrior

Jul 5, 2010
Our Tastes--Sesquicentennial Ale

Jul 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- Buffalo Bill's Blueberry Oatmeal Stout
Not too long ago I got a package from Junk that had a couple of bottles of Buffalo Bill's Blueberry Oatmeal Stout in it. Since he now has his own tasting corner, I thought it time to busitowt, as some of my fellow Americans would say (most of them democrat). As a crack the crown on the bottle the wonderful aroma of fresh blueberries jumps to my nares! The color is no doubt dark but make no doubt it is not RR dark. The head flattens quickly in this 7.5% bev. The head is as one would expect, blueberry but more extract than fresh fruit, you can tell the difference. Taste is surprisingly balanced! It is though the malts, which there is a roasted backbone to it, have married perfectly with blueberries. The more I drink of it, the more the coffee comes through, but make no mind that the berries are here to stay. Made with pale and chocolate malts and of course oatmeal, then hopped with Kent Goldings and Cascade this is by far one of the best dark brews I have experienced in a long time. Nice job Junk, double your pay.
Jul 1, 2010
Tasting of the Wedding Belgian Dubbel
It pours a nice clear medium brown tone with quickly dissipating head. In keeping with the last tasting, I'm using my Beer Tasting and Hop Appreciation Kit. The aroma of raisins and slight grain comes through some undertones of fruit. Upon a good swirl the slight tan head reappears and the Spalt aroma definitely comes through. Spalt seems to have an earthy or grassy nose to it. Saaz seems to be a little harder to pick up on this one. The only reason I know it has to be there is because I made the beer with it! Saaz and Spalt are akin and seem to have. As far as the 7.6%, don't feel it, smell it or taste it. I wouldn't let this one sit very much longer though, it seems to be about right.
Jun 27, 2010
End of the Eras
I ran across some #10 Amber Waves and #12 Steam Style tonight on the big clean up and remodel, and as I tried them cold...so were the tastes, after I got past the 1liter of foam. So alas these soldiers were the last of the 12oz bottles other than the RR series of beers. Nothing but bombers and kegs.
Our Tastes-- Rogue XS Imperial Porter 2008

Our Tastes-- Rogue XS Imperial Red Ale
Having quite a few of the XS series to go through we're trying a couple right now. XS Imperial Red Ale filled a pint glass with mahogany color and copper accents. The head is flattening (expected). his one is a bitter monster that hangs on the sides of your tongue like an African mountain goat. Malt is the initial taste though followed and lingered by pure warming EtOH. 9%abv, mmm, mmm. Made with Great Western Harrington, Klages, Hugh Baird Crystal, Black, Munich, Chocolate malts and rolled oats. Then hopped with Willamette, Cascade and Chinook. Dry hopped and given 58 IBUs, the site says to have a 7oz nip, sorry out of little nips, had to have a big nip. (typing nip is fun;)
Our Tastes-- Chimay Ale (Red)
I'm currently waiting to see if a thunderstorm will blow through and keep me from cutting grass, so why not have a quick taster of Chimay "Red" Ale. Pured slightly chilled in Chimay goblet, true to the Thirsty Monk form of delivery. Pouring a particulate medium to dark mahogany with plenty of frothy white head and after making sure to suspend a rather deep yeast bed, hence the particulate part. The nose nothing extraordinary having only the hints of raisins and slight plum I have come to expect out of a Belgian. Mouthfeel is medium and after swirling around in the mouth there is a slight bitter candied taste with little alcohol and yeast that leaves behind a relatively crisp palate. 7%abv. I think it best to try a bottle as soon as you can of the self. I figure it's already GTG when it's bottled to try it fresh! Maybe there will be a different experience.
Jun 23, 2010
Our Tastes-- Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

Jun 22, 2010
Brew Batch #41 Single Hop Bitter
After what seems like an eternity, I resume brewing with special guest The Enabler. Knocking out a bitter tonight made only with Fuggle. Guest check in call by Junk. Everything was smooth as usual with 4oz of Fuggle in and the wort chiller working harder than we are. Took 20 minutes to drop the wort from 198F to 98F. FG 1.036+ 0.003 @82F. Hopefully this will crank out a nice session beer in about 4weeks. Next stop...something a little hoppier.
Our Tastes-- Double Dead Guy 2008

Jun 15, 2010
Our Tastes-- Rogue Mocha Porter

Jun 4, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #16 Las Vegas Cont'd
Lee's Discount Liquor rewards us with New Belgian Trippel and Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest. Trying the Trippel in a tulip with p-i-l (Pop-in-Law) and color is a light clear straw with foamy dissipating head that gives way to a slight malt no hopped aroma. Taste is smooth, clean with a touch of coriander, the 7.8%abv is nonexistent. The SN heads back to AL with me.
Jun 3, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #16 Las Vegas
Currently having a Stone IPA draft at the M Resort. A straight up bitter IPA with a classic white head. Color is a clear light brown and there is a pronounced big C aroma that I can't quite put my finger on. BTW, it's official I'm 4mins into this beer and have hop nose in one of the hottest driest places in America and it's confirmed with a check of the website. 77IBUs, Columbus, Chinook and Centennial so that's 3 big C's. 6.9%abv.
Next up is draft Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA pours a flattening white head with clear dark straw color. Nose is strong sweet pungent pine. It's still hot... 330pm and it's 96F but feels like 91 go figure!! 13% humidity means it's cooler than actual. Sorry for the side note, but I may be having a heat stroke. Website seems to have no current link to this brew but it's good and cold and 6.5%abv.
Now at Veloce Japanese restaurant having CA rolls, Godzilla rolls, Las Vegas rolls and nigiri Red snapper which is on the way soon. We'll be having some sake, Jozen Mizunogotoshi-Junmai Ginjo. Yeah, not sure what to say there, just trying something different with the sushi. All I know is that it's cold and tastes fairly good.
Next up is draft Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA pours a flattening white head with clear dark straw color. Nose is strong sweet pungent pine. It's still hot... 330pm and it's 96F but feels like 91 go figure!! 13% humidity means it's cooler than actual. Sorry for the side note, but I may be having a heat stroke. Website seems to have no current link to this brew but it's good and cold and 6.5%abv.
Now at Veloce Japanese restaurant having CA rolls, Godzilla rolls, Las Vegas rolls and nigiri Red snapper which is on the way soon. We'll be having some sake, Jozen Mizunogotoshi-Junmai Ginjo. Yeah, not sure what to say there, just trying something different with the sushi. All I know is that it's cold and tastes fairly good.
May 23, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #15 Inaugural Jubilee BrewFest
Got to enjoy the 1st beerfest held in Montgomery ever and since the "Freeing of the Hops". I'll have to say it was nicely set up in Twickenham Station in downtown. It was as hot and humid as any Alabama day and because we were smart enough to get the meal tickets as well we were able to have more than the SweetWater and Bell's. I had enough Delirium Nocturnum & Tremens, Westmalle Dubbel & Tripel, Scaldis, Orval and Chimay to pay for the entire price of my ticket. The booth that had these beers was sponsored by The Alley Bar and had Belgian dark chocolate and real (stinky yet good) Belgian cheeses. Some made with Chimay ale. The sunlight passing through the stained glass of the rod iron arches gave the NOLA beers a great backdrop. Hope for bigger and better next year.
May 20, 2010
Our Tastes-- Atwater Salvation
A truly unique experience! Atwater Block Brewery's IPA pours an overcarbonated head and puny piss color. Aroma is a CO2/yeast with a matching taste of bland (at best) mineral and irony dirt. I just poured another ounce into my pint glass and it erupted all over the table. It defies the laws of physics because the more liquid volume you pour the lighter the pint glass gets to due all the damn foam!! This is by far the worst IPA I've ever washed into my gullet. If this were my last drink just before death, I'd skip it and head straight on to the demise. Such a poor beer they've taken it off their own website. I'd put a pic up to match the post but we all know what a skull and crossbones looks like. 6%abv, but who cares, kerosene tastes better and it doesn't have NW and Cascade hops.
May 14, 2010
Our Tastes-- Dirtoir Black Lager

May 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- Über Pilsner
Über Pilsner is yet another Rogue beer, yes I'm still Roguein' my way through my vault o' Rogue beers. It's been a while since I had one and blogged it. It pours a gorgeous dark straw in my pilsner glass with a nice bright white head. Aroma is very interesting. Using only Sterling hops it is definitely quaffable. A great nutty maltiness with slight Czech Pils yeast aftertaste. Made with Harrington, Metcalf, Carafoam and acidulated malts this is a 5.2%abv bevvy and I could gulp it all summer long. No longer listed on the website, with my luck it was a limited release.
Apr 13, 2010
Brew Batch #40 Warrior IPA
Into the keg that QQWW was in. There for a while I thought QQWW's keg was magic because it seemed to keep giving beer even though I swore I only had a gallon or so left. Alas, a couple of nights ago, was the last of my quadruple wheat wine. However, I enjoyed the beer so much even at 9.9%abv, you're guaranteed to see it again. Doug (my builder) and I just had some sample swill and it's a good'en! FG 1.010+ 0.001@ 72F gives it a straight 7%abv. It has an awesome initial taste with a great bitter to the back end. Can't wait to get it cold.
Apr 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- BBC Quadruple Lambic Blend
Picked up last July or so, I have 2 bottles of this and we're cleaning out the fridge at the Woodland Creek chapter. Color is a dark straw or apple juice with little or no head. Tart raspberry sourness, more sour apple to Melonhead. Oh my Lord! There is an initial sour, acetic acid buttery taste on the 1st mouthful. The 2nd is much the same. After 2 drinks, I'll be waiting for The Enabler to show up to rid our house of more of this. The color is astonishing, aroma complex but the taste is ...acquired? Right now, I am looking for a mass produced Lindemann's to quench Melon's thirst. I can't believe this beer took up my fridge for almost year.
Mar 20, 2010
Alas the End...
I've noticed that kegged beer seems to flow through my body quicker than bottles. ABA met it's end tonight, but that leaves an empty keg?
Mar 19, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #14 Cont'd
Breakfast at Tupelo Honey Cafe was a fantastic start. Great coffee and of course samples of supreme honey. Snagged the baseball tee. Then onto the Mast General Store. This place is sweet. Full of old signs and products, cool new clothing and of course a sh'ton (that's a shit ton, non-metric measurement) of honey products. Got some great wildflower honey at a nice price. Then for lunch...Asheville Pizza & Brewing Company. Pizza was great then time for some Shiva IPA. Oh what a brew. Made with pale, Munich and wheat (of all types) malts then hopped with Columbus, this beer had a great fruity citrus bite. Met one of the assistant brewers, Peter, that gave some great advice on brewing. Had to have a growler for the road! And for the evening we went to Thirsty Monk and appeased one of my greatest curiosities. A place that started as a true Belgian only bar and expanded to the upstairs (oh yes it was in a basement to begin with, Belgians ONLY).
1st beer up for Merry was Hansenn's Lambic Experimental Raspberry 2009 matured in oak barrels. The nose of tart raspberries and Brett, with a clear deep ruby color hits the palate with a sourness of acetic acid (vinegar) and a tart of oak that reminds me of drinking dill pickle juice as a kid... it was a risk then but so rewarding... compared to Lindemanns lambic this is the Ferrari of lambics. The initial profile makes you suck yourself into your own head, then as the first impression lulls you awe for more. 100% Belgian.

2nd My choice, Highland Seven Sisters abbey-ale dubbel 6.5%. Double the grain bill and Belgian dark Candi, slap some Trappist ale yeast with a great ester quality, made with Pilsner, Pale, Extra Special and Chocolate malts. Sweet aromas with a hint of nuttiness makes this limited a definite keeper. Hopped with Hallertau Hersbrucker and German Spalt.
3rd up is John John (which means technically I'm staying rogue for the time being). This beer is a collaboration between brewmaster John Maier and John Couchot the master distiller. In this one they take Dead Guy and put it in Dead Guy whisky barrels. Being first in the John John series a 3,100 gallon batch of John John Ale produces 1357 cases of beer. 6.5%abv and deep honey color with a strong vanilla oak flavor and quick dissipating head makes this beer the best and most complex I've Rogue had.

4th be Heavy Seas Siren Noir English style imperial stout! Man they fermented and flavored with Belgian chocolate nibs! It pours an opaque black with slight malt nose, taste is full with little to no roast or toffee but great caramel vanilla slightly hanging on the plank I call my tongue 8%
Finished the night at The Bier Garden with a great meal and some local beer that at this point I can't really remember, Appalachian? Catawba Valley? It was all good, best St. Pat's ever!
1st beer up for Merry was Hansenn's Lambic Experimental Raspberry 2009 matured in oak barrels. The nose of tart raspberries and Brett, with a clear deep ruby color hits the palate with a sourness of acetic acid (vinegar) and a tart of oak that reminds me of drinking dill pickle juice as a kid... it was a risk then but so rewarding... compared to Lindemanns lambic this is the Ferrari of lambics. The initial profile makes you suck yourself into your own head, then as the first impression lulls you awe for more. 100% Belgian.

2nd My choice, Highland Seven Sisters abbey-ale dubbel 6.5%. Double the grain bill and Belgian dark Candi, slap some Trappist ale yeast with a great ester quality, made with Pilsner, Pale, Extra Special and Chocolate malts. Sweet aromas with a hint of nuttiness makes this limited a definite keeper. Hopped with Hallertau Hersbrucker and German Spalt.
3rd up is John John (which means technically I'm staying rogue for the time being). This beer is a collaboration between brewmaster John Maier and John Couchot the master distiller. In this one they take Dead Guy and put it in Dead Guy whisky barrels. Being first in the John John series a 3,100 gallon batch of John John Ale produces 1357 cases of beer. 6.5%abv and deep honey color with a strong vanilla oak flavor and quick dissipating head makes this beer the best and most complex I've Rogue had.

4th be Heavy Seas Siren Noir English style imperial stout! Man they fermented and flavored with Belgian chocolate nibs! It pours an opaque black with slight malt nose, taste is full with little to no roast or toffee but great caramel vanilla slightly hanging on the plank I call my tongue 8%
Finished the night at The Bier Garden with a great meal and some local beer that at this point I can't really remember, Appalachian? Catawba Valley? It was all good, best St. Pat's ever!
Mar 18, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #14 Cont'd Biltmore Estate
Biltmore Estate is a house on 8000 acres of land that has a 2-lane bowling alley, 70,000 gallon indoor swimming pool, 250 rooms, 65 fireplaces, 4 floors, 175000sq ft of living space, with winery, river, hunting land, greenhouse, ad nauseum, and all of it built 1890-1895. 43 indoor bathrooms, most houses had none. And I would live in some of the servants rooms! Built by the Vanderbilts of old railroad fame, I was amazed when Menonhead wanted to go to this place. Initially I thought it's just a house but 3 hours and 11 miles traveled around the entire property later, I could probably do my summers there. Of course the winery pulled us in and we sipped some of the following: Cab Sav Blanc de Noir, Chenin Blanc ($), Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Merlot, Century Red, Limited Release Merlot, Limited Release Malbec, Cab Sav ($), Limited Release Tempranillo, Limited Release Chenin Blanc, Cardinal's Crest Red, and finally Syrah. ($) denotes wines that we would buy and we snagged a bottle of Century Red and Limited Release Merlot.
St. Paddy's 2010 TnDC Field Trip #14
Came to Asheville for St. Pat's this year and it was a blast. Junk met the Melon and I over here for a little R&R and a few pints to boot. Lobster Trap, the home of Oyster House Brewing was our 1st stop. Had a flight of Patton Ave Pale Ale, IPA, Moonstone stout and an offering from French Broad Brewery of their Kolsch (we think). The Patton Ave Ale is made with bittering of Chinook, Columbus and Magnum followed by Simcoe and Cascade. At about 5%abv it was a nice brew. IPA was good! No info on the website concerning recipe. Then there was Moonstone Stout, yikes! Junk and Melon quaffed this stuff up. Made as a dry Irish stout with 5lbs of fresh oysters (shell and all). Low abv at 4.5% with calcium and seas salt this one is not supposed to taste like oysters. However, for me it did twang of a certain fishy brininess. Not across my teeth again. Stopped into Bruisin-Ales , a boutique beer shop with over 800 types of brew. Met the owner Jason Atallah and bought a few brews, including some that will appear on the blog soon. I even got a free pint glass. To finish up the night our choice was Jack of the Wood. The Irish music was phenomenal and the company couldn't have been better. We only tried one of their beers, 11th annual Green Man Stout, 6 or was it 7 pints of it:) Salud
Mar 16, 2010
You Got Irish Peeps?
Mar 15, 2010
Ides traditionally is the 15th of our MMJO months, all others are the 13th. Remember there is one market week between the Nones and Ides and from the Ides to the end of the month there were exactly 2 market weeks. "March, May, July, October, These are they, Make nones the seventh, Ides the fifteenth day." So now we know how to number the months based off of the Roman calendar and how it relates to March. I know, this has been more straight-laced and informative than usual but interesting for me.
Asking for Beer
I have always been a fan of languages, so to help make sure you get your favorite bevvy no matter where you are this Pat's Day here are a few of my favorites:
Arabic: Bira
French: la bie`re
Japanese: Biiru
Latin: Cerevisia
Russian: Pivo
Spanish: la cerveza
Turkish: Bira
Yiddish: biyr
AND of course Irish: beoir
If you want to know more hit and sign up for travlang.com .
Arabic: Bira
French: la bie`re
Japanese: Biiru
Latin: Cerevisia
Russian: Pivo
Spanish: la cerveza
Turkish: Bira
Yiddish: biyr
AND of course Irish: beoir
If you want to know more hit and sign up for travlang.com .
Mar 11, 2010
Our Tastes-- Kells Irish Style Lager
Irish Style Lager by Rogue brewery pours an amazing light straw. I should have guessed it by the style. Smells like...lager, a bit skunked yet tastes decent. Bready on the mouth and that's all I have to say about that. Made with Great Western Pale, Crystal -15, Wheat & Acidulated Malts, hopped with Sterling and a departure from PacMan yeast using Czech Pils yeast. In 1998 John Maier created this brew after 4 test batches just so he could float Guinness on it perfectly. Maybe Guinness would make taste a little better, who we kiddin', of course it would. Guy on the front is some famous Irish flutist with a great looking tam!
Our Tastes-- MBP Vanilla Bean Stout Firkin

Mar 7, 2010
Alright continuing to try and improve our blather during the greenest of months while we urge and educate others to dark beer, today is the Nones of March. So we know that The Ides always falls on the 1st and is based off of the Julian (or pre-Julian) calendar. The Nones is a related market day. This one is a little harder to follow because this day comes from the nundinae, which is the 8th day of the "8 day market week" that occurred every 9 days (yeah they took a break), not our 7 day week system. From the Nones to the Ides is one market week or 8 days. Easy children's poem: March, July, October, May; The Nones are on the seventh (every other month they fall on the 5th only). Whew, I think I have typed myself into a beer!
Mar 3, 2010
Our Tastes-- Smoke Ale

Our Tastes-- HazelNut Brown Nectar

Our Tastes-- Half-E-Weizen

Our Tastes-- Monk Madness Ale
When I cracked the crown on this well aged beauty, there was slow rise of head that crept up the neck of the bomber. I poured myself 25cL in my new Piraat tulip that my bro-in-law gave me and the color is a deep orange brown hue, with slight cloudiness and off-white thick head. The aroma literally jumped at me when the bottle was opened before even pouring and was that of sweet plums and raisins. The taste is a great balance of 5 malts and hops as the bottle says. There is a heavy bitterness that sharply enters the mouth after the slight malt leaves. Until I poured this up and did a little research I didn't realize this was a retired beer from Rogue. Brewed with 2-row Pale, Belgian Munich, Belgian Special B, Weyermann Melonoidin, and Amber Malts then hopped with Belgian Nobles, Chinook, Amarillo, Centennial, and Summit Hops. This beer would explode with some strong cheese or a spicy dish. The difference between nose and palate is profound. To smell this American Strong Ale and taste it is a universe apart. 18Plato and 7.4%abv. For $4.49, I wish they'd make it again, only problem is that I can't remember where I legged it from. Monk Madness Ale is a keeper, wonder if it's named after a man who swore off of women?
Mar 1, 2010
Today is the kalends of March. Basically a designation of the Roman calendar. I'll be going old school again this year to teach the gospel of St. Patrick's Day. I'll try not to cover previous entries such as rainfall, Maewyn himself, etc. And lest we not forget that on a side note Castle Bravo was detonated today in 1954 which was the 1st hydrogen bomb with the worst radioactive fallout in history as seen in this pic from the Bikini atoll.

Feb 25, 2010
Our Tastes-- Juniper Pale Ale

Brew Batch #40 Warrior IPA
Pretty much the same recipe without adding extra fermentables then pitching 2oz of Warrior hops at the end of the boil. OG 1.060 + 0.00@ 63F. The most amazing part of tonight is the use of my new immersion chiller that the in-laws wanted me to have. It took hot wort at 196F to 96F in 10 minutes!! Then simply add some cool water and pitch the yeast. I could tell the difference this time in a good hard cold break. Hopefully this will start making some serious changes in my aromas and overall taste profiles. We also used the new beer thief to get a sample for the hydrometer. I don't know what I'm going to do with all of the ice packs and my stainless steel ladle now:(
Tasting of "The Original" 42-A
It pours a more 14 SRM according to our Beer Appreciation kits almost the same aroma, only difference is this one was brewed on 1/18/06. When trying the Fuggle aspect the beers seems to have a more pronounced bitterness and slightly better aroma than the newer counterpart. I'll just have to make it again, I guess it shows there's nothing like the original.
Tasting of the Wedding IPA
Due to unforeseen issues with tasting on it's intended date, we (The Enabler and I) are trying 42-A*, an Imperial IPA that pours a deep ruby brown (18 SRMs) with a slightly off tan yellowish head. It has a surprisingly malty aroma with hints of vanilla, but heavy on the bread side. We're tyring it with the Beer Tasting and Hop Appreciation Kit to suss out the hop profile. With regard to the Fuggle hops, they are there but slight, on the Goldings, they seem to be nonexistent due to the yeast or heavy malt overtones. One thing we noticed is the absence of the warming 8.7% alcohol. There seems to be an acidic taste to it and the only difference between the original and this recipe is the addition of Kent Goldings instead of Fuggle at the end. Alas we tried but drink yours now lest it get squirrelier (?)
Feb 17, 2010
Our Tastes-- SeaHorse Pale Ale
Still "Going Rogue" I slap the ole labia (that's Latin for lips) around some SeaHorse Pale Ale. A variance apparently on the Juniper Ale (Yellow Snow) recipe without the juniper berries. A somewhat limited aquarium series. Pouring a golden particulate with enormous overflowing white head about an inch thick. Lacing is better than fishnet stockings. Bit of a bready slightly hoppy note on the nose with a full hoppy mouth bitterness. As I let it sit longer the bitterness is heavier. Good smooth caramel notes then the hitting hop notes. Made with Northwest Harrington, Crystal, Triumph, Maier Munich and C-15 malts?, hopped with Stryian Golding and Amarillo hops. 13 Plato, 45 IBUS.
Feb 16, 2010
Our Tastes-- Capt. Sig's Deadliest Ale

The Bees' Knees Mead© 2010
I whipped this year's batch up on 2/4/10 and tried to pitch my Lavlin 1118, but it seems that a year is just too long to try and hold onto a yeast culture without proper recultivating. So I just got some new in and it started everything going in about 8hrs. I was about a month behind on brewing this year's batch and it's about 10 days behind on starting, so this one will finish late this year. I'm already thinking about leaving half plain and half of it on some cherries or blueberries. OG 1.121+ 0.00@ 60F, which is close to 2009.
Feb 3, 2010
1000 miles!!
Today I have officially run 1000miles in 3years! This puts me about 15.94 mi to Beech Grove, KY, just south of Owensboro. I've been part of The Berkley Running Study for years and just recently they apparently got a fed grant to host a virtual running website to help you track your miles. I have tried to attain 365miles per year but with a few illnesses and some walking pneumonia for 32 days last year, I have missed my goal every year. Ah yes, 2010 is all mine though.
Feb 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- Squall IPA

Last of the DFH beers I have to try until I come across others. Squall IPA pours a cloudy dark straw with ample white head. On first whiff the pungency of this IPA is incredible, The Enabler thinks I need a Claritin for my potential hop nose before I even sip. I find my jaw tightening and my salivary glands beginning to pour before I even put me (that's Irish speak) lips to the rim of the glass. Squall rolls around the mouth basin with a cold well blended full flavor. Made with "Palisade, Amarillo, Simcoe, Cascade, CTZ, and Willamette hops" (CTZ= Columbus, Tomahawk and Zeus), this beer reminds me of something Linus would make in one of Yazoo's Hop Projects with this beer being the Triple Lindy of that. I thought I had a hoppy beer at the 1st Annual Magic City Brewfest out of his Pleasure Chest but this one takes the proverbial hopcake. There's no real discernible malt profile other than I know they had to use it to make this beer, other than that each moment, nose to gut, is filled with some sort of soft floral pine cone laden citrusy pungent high alpha acid 9%abv chest warming titillation. Buy one for friends, hide the others for yourself. I guess we can thank goodness it's not a white squall.
Feb 1, 2010
Brew Batch #38 American Brown Ale
American Brown Ale to kegerator!! I am liking this kegging stuff now. It's a great way to at least cut storage in half. You can age a beer in a case of bottles and keg the rest. I "splashed the swill" as I like to call and with no carbonation this beer is quaffable by anyone's standards. I like it better than my usual NBA because it seems to have just a bit more hop aggression possible due to the Liberty. FG 1.006 +0.00 @63F 6.3%abv.
Jan 23, 2010
Our Tastes-- Olde School Barleywine
Still attempting to close in on every DFH beer, I'm sniftering up some Olde School Barleywine. On the bottle it gives you 2 tasting options, I'll be doing the 1st one now and the 2nd later. Pour into 2 snifters and enjoy, (I will pour 1 snifter twice). The other says to take bottle into woods, dig 2x2x3 ft hole, memorize location, bury and return in 1 year to enjoy. It pours a very clear head flattening, brown sweet tea. Heavy alcohol and slightly sweet wood notes. As you roll it over the palate there is absolute raisin, fig, plum with warm white oak. I can't get over the color on this one! Ah yes, lest we not forget Sam adds pureed figs and dates form a Cellarman's technique he met in England. A great find today, let you know how it is later. Oh and read the story about the cowboy on the front of this label just to amaze potential converts, we must use every weapon to our advantage.
Brew Batch #36 REINKE'S REVENGE 2009
Well after fermenting or aging in some form or fashion for 67days, Reinke's was split between 25 long neck browns with black crowns (in their usual and customary way) and 1/2 corney keg. Melonhead did a little taster with me and the oak chips really brought out some great woody vanilla, it seem to cut the roasted coffee flavor and give it more caramel. Man, I am really proud of this one. This recipe has really evolved and I think I could have been a better contender in the LongShot with this one. What really shocked me was that between 11/13 when it was racked from primary and placed on 2 oz of chips is that is dropped another 14pts. FG 1.012+0.0 @64F, this gives it 9.85%abv, by far the heaviest RR, but the alcohol seems to be cut a little from the palate and more pronounced in the nose this year.
Jan 19, 2010
Our Tastes-- Avery Hog Heaven

Jan 16, 2010
End of a Learning Era
Zeus IPA bit it tonight. I am pleased with this beer but overall learned quickly as the beer changed profile that an ounce of Zeus at 45mins needs more aromatics at the end for balance. I'll remember this for next time, this is the time in life when you start perfecting some great recipes. Now it's replacement in the keg will be...
Jan 6, 2010
The Bear is Here...
And I don't mean Bryant. This year I just realized that Stout Mouth has crept up on me like an Indian (feathers not dots). Since just before Christmas I have been lapping up Reinke's Revenge 08' and all things dark. I believe the monster has awaken and is here to stay til just past the Ides.
Jan 2, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #13 cont'd
And finally as we were looking for a Target of some sort, we stumbled across a Total Wine & more and of course I got to do a little shopping, oddly enough Merry wanted several different kinds of lambics that we had seen in Tampa, "to do her own taster". What can I say, the worm has turned for her. This is where I snagged 2 more DFH beers, so just when I thought I had my hands on all the DFH beers I could consume, I pick up some Old School Barley Wine and White Squall IPA. Lest we not forget that vibrating dingaling covers are also legal there....
Jan 1, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #13 cont'd
A win in the rain, then in the cold. After sitting through 4&1/2 hours of grinding back and forth great football, Tigers win. Then on to dinner. We returned to Ybor, after going to the Hard Rock Seminole to pick up a tee for Merry, then iPhoned it to the public parking deck because I got a ticket for parking in front of someone's residence without a permit, not my damn fault they live downtown and the sign was at the end of the street not to park there. We went to the second tier of Centro Plaza and there was a sign that said 2-for-1 drafts and it was a hamburger place!! Sweet, so we went in and the hostess and waiters were friendly to me, we looked at the menu and it had great sounding burgers, Gerald P. was in for the Grand Opening from West Hollywood where another big location was and hooked us up with a great "Mo' for Merry and all the draft I wanted. And as we perused the menu, looked at the clientele and realized even the bar was painted pink (not Red), it hit me. Hamburger Mary's wasn't your average burger joint that had a great beer deal, the beer deal was to pull in curly haired guys like me, after all my "friend" paid for dinner. Yeah, well those close to me I'll tell the details to, needless to say if I'm ever in West Hollywood I'm supposed to look our waiter up, but damn it was a great burger and beer. After this we skipped to one of a plethora of cigar bars and picked a few for the ride home. Will try my handrolls next weekend after long work.
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