Well this afternoon, I pitched in and did what any good brother-in-law would do, I became the scapegoat for a great afternoon. In turn, my bro-in-law took me to several places that even though I lived in HuntsVegas several years ago had never been to or were even open. It all started at Below the Radar BrewHouse. Now boarding, seats and tray tables in their full and upright position, this was our flight:
From right to left: Triple Dog Dare Belgian Tripel, Bad Moon Rye-Sing, Cryptic DIPA, and Black Ops Black IPA. The Triple Dog Dare Tripel had a heavy yeasty, clove imbalance and bitterness
I'm not used to in a tripel. No head even on initial pour, but a smooth 9.4% abv. No need to mention color on these, unless you're Ray Charles.
Bad Moon Rye-Sing rye
IPA had a good pepperiness in there. Both beers had great lattice so far. Great Big C hop nose
compliments the malt backbone with a Bourbonesque color. 7.0% abv.
Cryptic DIPA had an off
orange color that threw me off. I thought the nose would shut down the nares but alas it did
not. After the first sip, I take it back. Pass the Sudafeds. 9.0% abv. Good crushing hop blend on this one.
Black Ops black IPA. 7.5%abv and though the picture doesn't do it justice, it's light
black. Yeah it's possible, then again this was only a four ounce pour. Light citrus hop nose with coffee bean roast and a surprising slight
sweetness, yielding forth a Big C hoppy boldness as well. May be my favorite. My B-I-L also took in some RedStone Mead while we were there, because the abv on this light stuff wasn't enough to start the fire. Tab paid, moving on. Next stop, The Nook.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking... who's car is that? But this place was phenom! Of the entire crawl, I could have stayed right here because truly looks were deceiving (and it was raining and cold and kinda crappy bowl games were on). The Nook stashes 450 bottles,
50 taps and 46 large bottles (22 bombers or bigger) at their location and they have a license to sell on site! I can't paint you a picture, you'll have to visit on your own, but the outdoor sitting is quaint and as small or large as you want to make it. Renovations are being done, but the existing deck, porch, tables, overhang and greenery, I'd put up against any tasting house. The tables are all cast iron so the overhead heating lamps (yeah like at McD's and propane heaters warm them to give off heat). I started out by having The Brew Stooges Mo' Better Bitter ESB. Tea like in
color great white head. Balanced excellent hop profile with a nice lingering
bitterness at 3.6% abv. This is the kind of session beer you can have all day. Amstel Light if memory serves is a 4.2% to give you an idea.
Next, was Yellow Hammer Dark Hammer Quad. No head on this one but a great white
foam ring left to lattice. The clear dark brownness and full mouthfeel matched well with the nose of heavy raisin and taste of dark fleshy plum. Can you say, dark Belgian candi? 10.3% and the the tongue smacks of cloying sugar.
(Infrared wall mounted and glass tube commercial propane heaters like the one in the background can be purchased here). Then to finish the sippage I tried my BIL's JW Lee's Harvest Ale matured in port casks 2005. Didn't want it to go bad and don't let the particulate bother you, it's got vitamins in it.
And the final stop was Wish-You-Were-Beer. For a hole in the wall, this place sported taps galore and the prices weren't that bad. In a strip mall, located next to several fast food places that just happen to walk-down deliver to the cigar smoke room right next door. I filled up my first half growlers of Founder's Imperial Stout and Blue Pants Pinstripe Stout. Let you know how they turn out later!
But the most memorable part of the crawl was the outdoor john at The Nook. A balmy
Dec 28, 2013
Inaugural Gingerballs 10k
As Red and BlackStone as our unofficial official run sponsors, I ran the last of the 10K races of the year. I ran one a month and when there wasn't a local one, I ran one with Red's beer awaiting. It's become somewhat of a cult run, much like Pulp Fiction, and has doubled it's runners. Andy Mc of Yard Dog Brewing Co. ran a flash half marathon on Christmas Eve (which was to be the initial run, but my schedule conflicted) for his BlackStone Gingerballs. All I can say is that with Red making beer, it's always at least a flash run of one!
Dec 26, 2013
Beer and These Go Together
When the Jean-Claude Van Damme Volvo commercial came out, it was an instant hit for me being from the Bloodsport era. But the answer from Lone Wolf McQuade, owns me. I could have pint after pint and just roll his one around in my mind. Could Chuck really do this?......or is it just CGI?
Our Tastes-- DFH Piercing Pils
First and foremost, thanks to Bootleg Chuck and his wife Lydia. Without them beer muling this stuff illegally across multiple state lines, it would still be a dream. Piercing Pils is another DFH offering I couldn't' turn down. Tasting this with Andy Mc, it pours a beautiful clear dark champagne effervescence. A phenomenal white thick head tops off the pilsner glass and wafts a soft pilsen malt backbone and Czech hop to the nose. The bitterness of the Pilsen malt and Czech hops (as well as Amarillo hops) seesaw across the tongue yet balanced well with the tart white pear tea and pear fruit meat. We both agree, an oddity for the winter but hey, we bought a growler! 6%abv with less than 40IBUs.
Our Tastes
Dec 21, 2013
Brew Batch #55 Honey Kölsch (aka Jake's Juice too)
Racked tonight to 1.004+0.001@72F. Gives a healthy 5.1% so far with little room
to drop. So we're just working on flavor profile now. Made with Auburn honey,
this one may be a champion this year;)
Dec 20, 2013
I Can't Make This Up
Dec 17, 2013
Yard Dog Brewing Co. Wee Hefty
Well after being almost beaten by this recipe it finally went into the keg and bottles today. On 11/9 OG started at 1.070@ 68F and ultimately plummeted to 1.018 to yield a solid 7.4%abv wee heavy. Andy Mc (brewmaster) wasn't satisfied with us bruising our hands by manually filling the carboy with ice cubes then scalding off fingerprints when we funneled in the wort. This beer was racked 3 separate times and spiced twice with a blend of coriander, nutmeg, clove and American cinnamon. It was great to see how the profile backed off on the initial tasting with the hop bitterness still profound. Aka 3 Stooge Brew is resting comfortably in the kegerator at 42F on 12.5lbs CO2 for now. Brewed as a gift to his sister, who will be getting aforementioned bombers in due time. Can't wait to try this one in a few weeks.
Dec 14, 2013
Special Delivery!
Well after a well deserved wait, this arrived via "Junk" mail today. So the top 2 finishers in the Frozen Turkey Balls 10K will be enjoying their 24 prizes until the coffee stout gets here then the final 10K of the year and series, (still deciding on when and what to call it). Thanks to Red and BlackStone brewery for keeping us healthily moving and spreading the good word of their brew.
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Dec 5, 2013
Brew Batch #55 Honey Kölsch (aka Jake's Juice too)
My builder really appreciated the Honey Kölsch, so I fired up the burner again for him today so he'll have beer for hunting season to enjoy. Same recipe, I'll be curious to see if the profile will be about the same, may snatch back a gallon or so for Merry, she's starting rounding her palate on kolsch's. OG 1.040+0.001 @69F.
Dec 4, 2013
Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Juniper IPA
Trying to keep up with all of Jim's concoctions and small batch tasters, I'm pouring up Juniper IPA. A beautiful dark straw honey-like color with an effervescent thick off-white head. Nose is a subtle light hop but nothing to write home about. Made with two-row and honey malt, then hopped with Columbus (aka Tomahawk) and Ahtanum, this is a great beer. BUT, I was looking for a definitive juniper berry somewhere! I'm disappointed. Now, I'm going to find some good juniper berries somewhere and profile them, but as of right now other than a more piney, resinous feeling to the beer, this is just a holiday ploy. I rank it right up there with the availability of Utopias 10th anniversary. 5.8%abv, hoppy for sure, but just call it "I needed a beer to fill my winter sampler IPA", I would have felt better about the label. Give me some back story on the chick picking in the background and I would have felt better. I guess the medicinal benefits and voodoo of the "berry" should be enough.
Our Tastes-- Claymore Scotch Ale
Andy Mc picked us up a sixer of this to sample against a project he's got going and since this wasn't on draft when I went to GABF and sat in their couches at Great Divide, I thought we'd give it a whirl.
A nose of smoky wooden barrel on a flattened white head, only obtained with a hard pour into the tumbler. There's an astringency across the tongue that lends into an alcohol warmth at the very back of the taste, no doubt from the 7.7%abv. On the breath out through the nares, one can easily discern the peat in this wee heavy. Dark mahogany with ruby highlights with little recognizable hop addition on it's overt malt backbone. Some trivia, the claymore was massive heavy Scottish sword, of the same that is seen in Braveheart wielded by William Wallace. The analogy is that it may take to hands on the pint to control this brew.
A nose of smoky wooden barrel on a flattened white head, only obtained with a hard pour into the tumbler. There's an astringency across the tongue that lends into an alcohol warmth at the very back of the taste, no doubt from the 7.7%abv. On the breath out through the nares, one can easily discern the peat in this wee heavy. Dark mahogany with ruby highlights with little recognizable hop addition on it's overt malt backbone. Some trivia, the claymore was massive heavy Scottish sword, of the same that is seen in Braveheart wielded by William Wallace. The analogy is that it may take to hands on the pint to control this brew.
Nov 28, 2013
Inaugural Frozen Turkey Balls 10K
Great news the BlackStone sponsorship has helped double attendance at these unorthodox 10Ks. So at 7am and 725am respectively Andy Mc (Yard Dog brewing Co.) and myself set out on satellite runs to maintain sponsorship. Today, I am thankful for my beard during No-shave November, because only my upper cheeks seem to burn as I ran from pocket to pocket of sunshine on the 25F course. It was in those pockets I noticed my gait lengthened and pace slowed as I let the snotcicle attempt to thaw from my mustache. The last 2 courses, I've lost track of distance but that was not the case as I trucked out 6.2miles in 57:32. Andy Mc knocked out 51:35 and experienced the blindness due to uncontrolled tearing. To celebrate we're having Red's Belgian Tripel for this 3rd in a hopeful continuing series of 4.
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Nov 24, 2013
Our Tastes-- Shock Top Choc' Top
A fine sampler brought over by The Enabler, we tried the beer both ways, Shock Top on top and bottom. Oddly enough the Chocolate Wheat layered out better on the bottom with the original on top better than the inverse. My brew was pure Shock Top initially with heavy lending to the orange but both of us agree there is little difference in the nose, as there was really none to mention. By no means is this a "black and anything" at all, but a good beer to end the anchoring of the garage shelves on for sure. Chocolate gave us a 4.3% abv while the original yielded a 5.2%, overall a decent mixer but no Black and Fud.
Our Tastes,
Our Tastes Black and ...
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL, USA
Think You're a Brewer?
Go for it. (My shortest post ever). My score at Level 3 15/21, eat it Trebek.
TnDC Education
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Our Tastes-- Five Crown Imperial Stout
I'm offended that this is described as a "winter brew". Some of us enjoy a nice heavy black one in the middle of the summer. Pouring the antithesis of white light, Joe Formanek's 15 year practiced Imperial Stout is also part of the 2011 LongShot winners and pours a full bodied 8.9% brew. Head is thick medium brown with little alcohol nose and a slap to the nostrils of pure burnt toast. Hop nose comes on for me only because I can only imagine what hop additions had to be a part of this brew to balance it out in the slightest. The roasted malt bill sits squarly on the back of the tongue well after the last of it has passed into the gullet.
Nov 23, 2013
Our Tastes-- A Dark Night in Munich
Part of the 2011 LongShot winners, Corey Martin brewed up A Dark Night in Munich. Dark brown in color with a creamy light tan head, I didn't do this one justice by having it in time and the aroma of great cereal is bludgeoned to death by the bitter tea taste. I feel bad in part for having this lager so late after date but there's only so much time and liver. For a dunkel it has kept well, and the 5.9%abv is a bit of saving grace as it mingles around on the palate. Lattice looks good and is a depiction of a well made beer (or clean glass). Well I only made it to the quarter-finals in 2008, so Corey's up on me.
Nov 21, 2013
Beers Not Bombs
Look, I don't normally advocate for products, but every now and then money is just damn well spent with regards to homebrewing/microbrews. Peruse War to Peace with regards to their usage of spent IEDs/nukes on beer products and I think you'll dig it. Already looking at gifts for my dad! My fav is the Fat Boy replica, but then again that one put us behind on the tech race;(
Our Tastes-- Deschutes Black Butte Porter
The final beer of my primary elk hunting season. Deschutes offered up Black Butte (or as my wife would say "butt" but why's it spelled funny, yeah it owned me too) Porter. An abysmal brown with oddly bright white/tan heads. Nose may be diminished due to time but lattice seems to be in tact. The mouthfeel is full and bangs of subtle sweet roast coffee. No hop mention on the profile other than what has been put in to balance the malt bill. I couldn't find a great graphic, so I just didn't put one up! Made with Pale, Carapils, Chocolate, Crystal, Wheat malts and Cascade, Bravo and Tettnang hops, I didn't realize this was Deschutes flagship beer. Deschutes grabbed my attention in 2010 at GABF because they had introduced the "first" Cascadian Dark Ale which sparked much debate on which brewery had actually been making a beer of this distinction but GABF had only recognized for the first time this year (2010). Hey, maybe Andy Mc. could get his GABF certification, he has a decisive palate. Then vote for me:) blah!
Nov 15, 2013
Our Tastes-- Odell Cutthroat Porter
Coming into some of the last of the Collbran, Co beers I snatch up the last pint of Cutthroat porter. Now before you get all anti-violence on me, it's named after the Colorado state fish, (hippies). A pint full of clear dark brown and skimmingly light head. The nose is of stupendous roasted dark chocolate with a mouthfeel and taste that's clean and non-cloying making me want the next gulp. Odell has captured my attention with their IPA and 80/- as well, but this one may take the cake. A 5%abv brown porter silver medal winner.
Nov 7, 2013
Brew Batch #54 REINKE'S REVENGE 2013
Racked it over onto a nice thick 60 oz. bed of blueberry puree today. Gravity 1.024, so it's got just a little more to crash to before going into the keg slumber.
Nov 5, 2013
Our Tastes-- Alaskan Stout
One of the last odes to Collbran, I picked up a sixer of this. Had never seen or had it and the mom n' pop gas station had a sale on it. Pours a solid 10W-30 after 10,00miles. Head is light and flat with a nose of sweet roasted coffee, almost akin to a sweet porter. Taste is a full mouthed up front (thanks to the oats I'm sure) lightly caramel roast with a touch of bitter. Great story behind Alaskan Stout's label and a realization on my part of it being their 4th year-rounder. Bucket list includes visiting this brewery.
Nov 1, 2013
Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Merry Mischief
Oddly enough since last season this beer apparently has been renamed Merry Maker. Color is a very dark black brown with immense nose of strong gingerbread, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and a good dose of alcohol (9%abv). The taste is that of drinking a gingerbread man (or for me a woman;) with a splash bitterness of nut more prevalent than that of hop. This may be my favorite small batch Jim has dosed out at SA. Some of them are a bit odd but once again he knows how to put it together and make some great seasonal money. I already can't wait to have this one again and the pint is only half gone. Made with "Samuel Adams two row pale malt blend, wheat, Special B, Paul’s roasted barley, and flaked oats" then East Kent Goldings and Fuggles hopped, I should have known it was 300cal/pint!! May have to make this one my half marathon recovery bomber.
Brew Batch #53 Black IPA (aka nIPA)
Well it's official, this one pours a serious foamy head that's guaranteed to get better as time goes on (however long that may be;). But upon first glance it looks like an unassuming dark stoutish beer dressed in black, sweet roasted coffee perhaps with a touch of maltose? The nose starts to give it away though, a roasted grapefruit? Then an attack on the palate of Summit, Chinook, Centennial, Cascade, Centennial, and dry-hop Cascade, those slashes give way to slight coffee bitterness. So cloaked in deceiving black and cuts at the mouth and senses, ninja IPA's a keeper. *Note: use some straining on out-post to decrease particulate and rack before dry-hopping. Next time ninja, next time.. (bong)
Oct 31, 2013
Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Maple Pecan Porter
Always throwing out new micro batches, I follow Jim into the realm of Maple Pecan Porter. Part of some fall pack I picked up MPP pours a superb, medium brown with excellent off-white head. The nose is of a sweet nutty porter, but the taste even Merry liked! Mouthfeel is full and maple syrup sweet with a rush of the slightly bitter yet distinct pecan on the sides of the tongue with your coffee in between. Porters have long been a favorite style of mine in that you are sometimes able to transition well from summer palate to the hibernating stout mouth with relative ease, but there truly 3 distinct phases of flavor in this beer (I can't remember noticing 3 absolute different levels in one brew). I think there must be a buttermilk pancake at the bottom of the fermenter. Hop profile is light and almost undetectable through the syrup and pecans. An oddity but another keepsie at 5.6%.
Oct 25, 2013
Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Verloren®
Pours a great orange straw, with cloudiness if you pull the yeast bed. Never had gose before but Verloren appears to have a wheat or light pale malt backbone. Made with coriander and salt. Initially has a big pungent orange nose from the heavy coriander. Salt seems to balance the finish of the coriander. Got a great education from Andy Mc on salt and how it's perceived by most with the taste buds. The malt bill is pretty basic with two-row and malted and unmalted wheat slapped with some Saaz and kosher salt. 6%abv and 188cal/pint later and I'd drink it again. May have to in order to fully get a handle on what I'm experiencing.
Brew Batch #54 REINKE'S REVENGE 2013
Ok, so it's not the actual true brew date but at least it's in the same month. Reinke's into the lauter today with Andy Mc observing. OG 1.080+0.001 @69F, which falls in line with the other 8 batches prior (Junk/Red gotta do something huge for batch 10, maybe a true bourbon barrel aging?) All hops were same as original except didn't have Galena went with Columbus, now for the real treat. I did #44 on 3lbs. of red raspberries, after some inspiration by Junk and his donations (and of course an almost exquisite summer sampler by Red), I'll be sourcing out about 5-6lbs of blueberries to secondary on. After much input by Andy Mc, this time of year may require some ingenuity with regards to true fruit flavor, but that should be easily remedied.
Brew Batch #53 Black IPA (aka nIPA)
This morning nIPA went to the keg. FG 1.006+ 0.001 @68F gives it about 8.3%abv. (the other way using the 131.25 multiple 7.6%abv, I've never loved either one way or the other but one day I'll do it all in Plato. The color is oddly a translucent dark brown and the swill taste I gave 3 out of 4 Sudafeds! Andy Mc (Yard Dog Brewing Co., head brewer) gave it one Kleenex, I think. Can't wait to try this one on good gas carbonation and keg conditioning.
Oct 24, 2013
Our Tastes-- DFH Birra Etrusca Bronze
Birra Etrusca, was one of the "Ancient Ales" I had to try as soon as it came out. A triple collaboration between DFH, Birra del Borgo and Baladin (hence the stamps at the bottom of the label) it's an Italian ale that set historians on their ears with regards to perhaps wine not being the penultimate drink of choice in the past. Color is a serious orange with extremely flat head and complex taste profile. Nose has a sweet floral honey with hints of white grapes. The taste is sweet up front like a dessert wine with a touch of tartness from what I believe to be nectarines (ultimately pomegranates, go figure). Check out the ingredient list on this one in the link, Ethiopian myrrh resin, 3 types of honey and gentian root for bittering just to name a few. Yeah, that's why the taste was an 8.5abv conundrum! I'll give Sam C. this, he may have tons of archaeologists out there sharing rare recipes from millennia past (this one 2800 years ago) that pretty much result in the same overall abv'd bevvy with some artistic license on the final product with a persimmon here and some goat grass there, but I keep coming back to try his wackiness each and every time. Birra Etrusca is even being made overseas by the other breweries but in terra cotta and wood vessels, (DFH did bronze). That's marketing. Wonder if I have another bottle of this tucked away somewhere?
Our Tastes
Our Tastes-- DFH Rhizing Bines
As soon as I saw the collaboration series was continuing this year between DFH and Sierra Nevada, I had this beer "legged" in from Jersey. Rhizing Bines pours a color of light marmalade with a head of thick marshmallow cream. Up front the nose and taste is more citrus grapefruit
as opposed to piney resinous while the lattice hangs on to the tumbler like a rainfrog. With slow warming the hop profile changes to a grassy bitterness
and less citrus takes over. 8% abv is subdued and deceiving. I would have sworn this batch was hopped with a Big C somewhere but the label says Bravo (high alpha lineage like Zeus) plus Hop #644 (a varietal with no name yet)? The merger here also takes place with the Carolina-grown red fife wheat and SN estate grown caramel malt and Torpedo hopping technique. Master brewer of Yard Dog Brewing Co. and I agree we could have a pint of this a day...but just one.
Our Tastes
Oct 23, 2013
Our Tastes-- Lazy Magnolia Sweet Potato Cream Stout
Supplied by Junk and reinforced by in-laws as a great autumn seasonal. Jeff Stout or Sweet Potato Cream Stout by Lazy Magnolia pours a dark brown and loose flat head. Taste of interesting coffee toffee lactose laden sweet potatoes. Yep it wafts of sweet potatoes along with roasted grain and crushed conversion sugars. I've read of distilleries going to sweet potatoes for their mash as a copy of soju, but this is my first sweet potato beer. There seems to be extra tannin to it either from the chocolate or roasted malt. Good beer but not my favorite. 4.5%abv makes it a great fall/winter session. Wonder if there's extra vitamin A in it?
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Our Tastes-- Odell Brewing Company IPA
To celebrate my trip to Collbran, Co last year, I'm having my last Odell IPA to see how it stood up over the year. The head was as remembered being the thickest I've ever seen on an IPA. Oddly enough the label said best by 12/12/12 and has a bucking elephant on it. A magnificent cloudy orange hue is poured with still a great taste of chewy citrus. The nose bellows out of Big C American hops. Ah, just as I remembered it, one of the best and palate filling IPAs I believe ever made. A 98 on ratebeer and 7%abv makes it a keepsie.
Oct 18, 2013
Our Tastes-- BlackStone Pumpkin Ale
Another pre-release sold out batch of this wildly popular brew. I've waited until my palate is clear to review Pumpkin Ale. Now form what I understand some bars were serving this with brown sugar around the rim of the pint glass much the way margaritas are prepped and it was flying out of the taps! Pouring a wonderful light marmalade hue with a relatively flat head this beer wafts of pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon and nutmeg. Begrudgingly gave 2 bottles to my in-laws and they raved it to be the best pumpkin beer they've had all season and they're going through that "try them all in a seasonal" phase. Another friend said to "leave the head on it" and put some whip cream on top. The taste is crisp with just enough bitterness and gourd meat to make it superb. At 5.1%abv, I can see why places just like having a keg on tap. More a pie instead of gourd beer and nothing short of excellent.
Oct 12, 2013
Our Tastes-- Urkontinent
Blasted out by DFH as what I believe is a comparative to their Pangea concept beer. . Urkontinent, is the German term for all lands together so to speak or the theory of such. Belgian dubbel that laces nicely down, slight yeasty cloud with medium brown-ness. Wafts the nose of grained honey. I imagine with warming that it becomes even more complex. 8%abv with a nice roasted medium hint of coffee mouth feel. I admit knowing only one of the ingedients listed as part of this brew, "...wattleseed from Australia, toasted amaranth from South America, rooibos tea from Africa, myrica gale from Europe and honey from the United States', bet you can guess which one. I'd love to have another bottle of this and see what happens with slight warming on this one, but overall another superior brew by DFH. My only question on many of these Ancient Ales (the reference to this series) is what percentage of the specialized ingredients are actually in the recipes.
Our Tastes-- BlackStone Kentucky Limp Leg?
Bouron barrel stout aged for at least 7 months at this point in Belle Meade barrels this one noses of heavy cocoa and vanilla, with a mix of coconut. Flat head, due to straight from barrel siphoning. A black hole that draws light in from the universe is LESS opaque than this beer. 11%abv or touching. For a post half marathon beer this is better than best, much like "two legs good four legs better"! The taste is an awesome well balanced smoothness, much like Lando Calrissian. Thanks to the sponsor and my Salonpas patches.
Oct 7, 2013
Brew Batch #53 Black IPA (aka nIPA)
Dry-hopped tonight and sampled the swill. I've never truly experienced 3 distinct stages of a beer but this one starts with chewy citrus grapefruit, gives way to roasted malt only to be followed by pleasant bitterness on the after thought. Then a healthy sneeze! Gravity 1.006+ 0.002@ 76F.
Oct 4, 2013
Our Tastes-- Flipside Red IPA
Just picked up this new "seasonal" offering from Sierra Nevada and even the label for Flipside is cool. Color is as it states, a very amber ruby with a nose of earthy citrus hops. Using Magnum as bittering and Simcoe, Citra and Centennial (thanks Hop Union) to finish gives this one the instant paper towel NOT Kleenex of hop noses! I can't seem to get over the "dirty" nose on this one, it really sets this beer apart. The lattice is very nice, but then again Sierra doesn't play patty cakes on their hoppy beers either. This is a departure from the norm on rotating seasonal palates in that the wheat, two-row base can't be appreciated like many of the marzen/okfest malt bill beers and the hop profile attempts to hold back the sun from the inevitable pass into the Southern hemisphere. Now, mind you I have a black IPA in the fermenter and my next brew is Reinke's, where eventually stout mouth will appear and it'll be all heavy malt till spring like a slumbering bear, but this keeps my palate on the light bite for now. 6.2%abv, I hope you enjoyed it Dr. Caldwell, should take your mind off of the brown stain up to your elbow;)
Yard Dog Brewing Company-- Lemon Zest
Where there's guaranteed to be a t-shirt one day for their pilot pale ale or IPA that states-- "Shug, just leave the head on" Andrew Mc. offers up his Lemon Zest. A Belgian Wit made with coriander and 2 ounces of lemon zest if memory serves me correctly. Color is a cloudy light marmalade hue with a soft yeasty nose. The lemon runs across the palate at the tail end of the swallow and a nice peppery-ness spikes about. Bottled 4/14 at 6.9%abv, carbonation is good but more on the initial pour than expected. Think next batch he may alter the recipe a bit, only problem is as a homebrewer you have to drink the last batch before striking up the fermenter. Well, in this case "problem" isn't the right word, because I'd have taken more than the 3 he left behind!
Sep 25, 2013
Brew Batch #53 Black IPA (aka nIPA)
Continuing my series of IPAs through the summer, I'm trying my hand at a black IPA (or ninja IPA). The malt bill was fairly interesting including chocolate and Breiss caramel 80 malts. But the 5 hop additions then a dry-hopping in about 2 weeks makes this one a guaranteed morning mouth rinse. OG 1.064+0.001 @71F and the swill seems to have a excellent balance of sweetness and chewy grapefruit.
Inaugural Fall Balls 10K
This morning, having not run a 10k this month with the impending Hyundai 1/2 marathon approaching I took to the asphalt in the hopes that after being sick for 2 weeks and not running for 3 I'd still have at least 5 miles in me. Well I felt good at 4 miles so I turned it accidentally into 7 on my Garmin. As I ran through one of the neighborhoods the Sheriff's Dept had a speed sign up and honestly I was hoping to register on it as I came around the corner, but apparently that happens at miles faster than 10mins per. The silver lining is that I got to celebrate with my sponsor at 9am and my favorite brew. Special thanks to Red for the 1st place case and Keller for "pre-opening" it for me. Wasn't sure how I was going to get into it.
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Sep 13, 2013
Our Tastes- Belgian Backwoods
An offering from Lazy Magnolia, a Belgian Golden Ale made with Honeysuckle tea and straight color of clear golden straw with no head retention which was a dead give-away to the 8.51%abv. Taste of Belgian candi intermingled with nectar, sweet but not as dry. Nose of flowery sweetness and little hop. A nice refreshing beer with a "sneak-up-on-you" EtOh content. A nice offering from Junk as I fol new tasting member Andrew Mc into the flock. Not yet listed on Lazy Magnolia's site but a quick link gives the down and dirty.
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Jul 31, 2013
Brew Batch #52 tIPA
Racked into the keg tonight with a wonderful color, dropped to 1.002+ 0.002@ 76F to give it a nice 7.7%abv or so. I'm concerned about the slight sweetness but at that FG maybe it's the Maris. Nose was good, should be able to tap tIPA in about a week or less. I just want to make sure I give it enough time on gas so that the first pint is as goo as it can be. Hope everyone likes Target hops! (BTW this is a great virtual quick quide).
Jul 27, 2013
Our Tastes-- Hoppy Top™
Sliding into some Hoppy Top™ made by Red at BlackStone this evening. And I'll have to admit, it poured a limp wiener head and an off brown color that made me rethink what Junk had delivered. "HT" was carefully written on the cap and since I've started sealing all of my growlers with electrical tape, I simply believed the hop head and carbonation would hold? This was supposed to be exactly what I sampled previously. Taste was grassy alright, the same type of soured bermuda on the bottom of my lawnmowers deck since I've only been able to cut my grass 3 times in July thanks to all of the rain kind of grassy. And the nose, well let's just say I try to keep the garage aired out until our drier summer arrives. What withered leaf did Red put in this batch of paint thinner? HA!, today is opposite day suckas! This brew is simply another feather in the long flowing headdress of Stands with a Hop (aka Red). Color is a beautiful straw with bright white head that kept great in the aforementioned growler. The nose runneth over with grapefruit on this Big C brew and the taste has an awesome Simcoe (I think) bite. Even across the palate and still has a stupendous lattice down the tumbler. I can only hope my IPA turns out this way and Kent was smart enough to put this one in regular rotation with some sort of true trademarking. 69 IBUs, hhmmppff, and about 7%abvish? It's no Adam Bomb, thank God, the world only handle one of those! A truly phenomenal beer.
Jul 20, 2013
Brew Batch #52 tIPA
Racked over this 1st in the series of 3 IPAs I'm doing this summer. Current gravity 1.008+ 0.002 @76F. So it's dropped fairly well. The swill has a nice hoppiness to it and isn't as sweet as I had expected with the Maris Otter usage. So I just dry-hopped it with some left over Target since I enjoyed it so much in RR 2012.
Jul 19, 2013
1st Annual Hotballs 10K
Since I couldn't find a 10K this month to keep my streak of one per month going that I've had all year, I invented one. This is my attempt to insure that this year's Hyundai Half and next year's Seaside are solid races for me. But in true Beat-12 form, I decided to do this like I pretty much do everything, HARD. I started by pre-hydrating with 2 Silver Bullet pints while I tended the Mitchell #1 Zeus hop garden, yeah it's only Zeus now, Centennial bit the dust. I then proceeded to have BlackStone's bottled version of my favorite, Maris Otter. BTW the label is far more eye appealing than the other kin, Rogue Sea Otter Ale. Plus you can pull it and get a sweet beer fridge magnet from it. I then waited for it to get to an even 90F, because relative humidity was only 47% anyway and filled my Nathan hydration belt with 16 more ounces of Maris Otter. I learned many tips on this "fun" run. One, beer is a postrace bevvy, not to be consumed just before or during an event. I hadn't made it 200yards when I realized the jostling of the fluid bottles at the small of my back filled with the aforementioned Maris had started to foam out and run into my running shorts. So this forced me to blow through about 4oz of reserve in the 1st mile and hold those bottles to maintain even pressure. I then noticed this burning in my calves within the first quarter mile and realized it was probably lactic acid build-up, well that soon went away as the Maris kicked in at about mile 3. That's about the same time I had to continue hydration. By now the plastic bottles had Maris Otter at about 85-90F and you know that's when one can REALLY notice serious changes in a beer's profile. The malt and hop bills seem to fight on my palate for dominance. And logic dictates that the 94.2% water had to be helping my performance and though I thought I was maintaining about 9min/mile pace the EtOH was actually winning and I was delusional at closer to 12min/mile pace. That must be when I miscalcualted my run route, because ultimately I ended up running 6.6 instead of 6.1miles. Eh, what's a half mile when you place 1st with an overall of 1:18:35 and you're off by close to 35mins of your best time?
Our Tastes,
TnDC News
Beat-12 Brewing Company, AL 36064, USA
Jul 18, 2013
Our Tastes-- Belgian O Juice
Another wonderful concoction by Red at BlackStone and this one seems to be a real lady pleaser. Without knowing true specifics about the beer I will simply make some of it up. (All attempts to reach the "O" man went unanswered). An apparent wit and if this is the recipe he talked about on the last trip was made with a nice Belgian yeast and the pith (no that's not a lisp) of 70-80 lbs of oranges. Color was a great medium brown/copper and settled lightly on the palate with just a touch of the bitter pith on the aftertaste. I had a pint a day whether I needed to or not until I finished the growler.
Jul 8, 2013
Our Tastes-- Slaapmutske
Purchased about 4 years ago, Slaapmutske is a wonderfully labeled Belgian Tripel Ale. And being part of Junk's Imposed Taster List means that it clears the beer fridge for more rotation. Hue is a deep orange dark gold and taste is past it's prime, but still maintains a peach/apricot "twang" and plenty of the 8.1% EtOH is breathed out the nose with each swig. No head to mention and we dared not swirl the yeast bed on this one. There also seems to be a little sweet fruit almost melon on the palate. Glad we had it and moving on.
Jul 7, 2013
Brew Batch #52 IPA of some sort...
I've got several IPAs to brew this summer but initially I was going with a ZIPA (not related to what holds back the denim dingaling) but a Zeus hopped IPA. But after further IPA review, I realized when I made my wedding beer, I left out a serious step. Yeah I know, 4 years later. I dry-hopped the original with Cascade! So now I'm thinking about reliving the 42* series. We'll see how this one turns out. But as of right now OG 1.056+ 0.001 @70.5F. As long as it drops well and doesn't hang out to be sweet. This one was made with Maris Otter malt.
Jun 11, 2013
And the Winner Is......
Jun 6, 2013
Our Tastes-- Fish Tale Leviathan
Now retired but continuing to stay on top of all thing 10% and higher during this taster, we sampled Fish Tale's Leviathan. This was actually a bottle I picked up in 2008 down in Pensacola, FL at Four Winds International Food Market. Leviathan has a head as flat and road kill and a nose of straight alcohol with it's 10%abv and 300cal per snifter! Ultimately ended up with a 100 on ratebeer.com and concocted with Pale, Carastan, and Chocolate malts then monstrously hopped with Chinook hops for bitterness and Cascade hops for flavor and aroma. Now the hops had fallen by the wayside by the time we savoured this bevvy but the heavy malt bill still paved the sides of the tongue with great rasiny plums and a palatable stickiness. We're both impressed with how these biggin's have matured and kept their backbone.
Mini Crawl 2013?
Stopped in at BlackStone to see Red and his new line of brews and from center to the right: XV, Hoppy Top™, and an Imperial Chocolate barrel-aged stout. Now from what I can remember XV is the anniversary ale brewed in December of 2012 and constitutes a nice lightly white-frothed Belgian strong ale that initially was a different recipe but now has a tweaked brew sheet and hovers around 10.2%abv. This brew was a cool great Belgian candi with warming alcohol. Hoppy Top™ is a very nice IPA of 69IBUs (purely coincidence, I'm sure;) with a nice Big C flash across the gullet, I think it was Centennial I picked up but Red told me there was some raging Simcoe and another hop, sorry probably could have recalled it before now. But the beast of the night was the Imperial Chocolate barrel-aged stout. Barrel temp with an absolutely phenomenal 10.4%abv chocolate gingerbread nose and aftertaste. Can wait to try this one on 42lbs of pureed cherries per 53gallon barrel! Colors can be seen above. From there on to Bosco's for mug#155 and #153, we comprise the Red sandwich of mugs, and taste Ice Age Wheat and Ice Age Pale Ale respectively. Good beers but the bottom line is, is that they took your basic building blocks of each and smothered them in Glacier hops for minty marketing. They must be abundantly cheap right now. We also sampled Jacklope's Rompo Red Rye Ale (5.6%) but the takeaway there was Bearwalker Maple Brown (5.1%). Bearwalker's use of 100% Vermont Maple syrup gave it a distinct nose and taste of exactly that with the noticeable slight astringency on the tongue sides from it's use. Told Junk we needed some pancakes and bacon to pour it over! Then just to start diluting our urine down below 10% we had Yazoo's latest Hop Project, 72 I think and hefe.
Our Tastes-- Left Hand Oak Aged Imperial Stout 2007
At the time of bottling had 10.4%abv, this would be the same year Junk and I graduated pharmacy school. The head is non-existent, color is an opaque brown black that sucks in light from around it like a new born blackhole. Nose is absolute raisin with a hint of fig. Smoothness of the well balanced brew is ghostly of it's actual content with regards to flavor profile and EtOH balance. Originally a 10th anniversary brew that aged in French oak wine barrels 2008 and prior, changed in 2009 and going forward. The label is so old it has changed since this publishing and is now known as Wake Up Dead Stout and bottled but not corked and bottle conditioned.
Jun 5, 2013
The Last of Brew Batch #51
The end of the alien batch (aka Batch #51, where my little girl talks to the mother ship in horse speak in the middle of the night, saying "I am here come and pick me up" like E.T.) It has started to flatten with regards to the foam and settle, color is a great a ruby hue. Taste has started to mellow at the end of this batch, yeast is still there with a little forward hop bitterness. And the only remark from my wife is whether I am going to brew it again for her one year birthday.
May 18, 2013
You Complete Me!
After almost 3 years in the making The Enabler completed his crown table by sealing it in epoxy tonight. At last count there are roughly 1080 crowns (bottles caps to the lay man) almost all of which have been partaken from in some form or fashion. When completed the only question was when do I get to start on mine?
![]() |
Watch the ooze take it over |
May 9, 2013
We're Last but Legal
Alabama's Gov. Bentley signed into law late tonight the Right to Brew Bill (or HB9). The bill actually ratified Amendment 621 of the State of Alabama Constitution of 1901 (the largest state constitution in the US.). So prohibition finally ends in all states under all cases with regards to the Eighteenth Amendment (1920-1933). Yeah it's true in the South I guess we don't get in a hurry. Basically I can brew, blog about it, share it, with just a few stipulations. Only 15 gallons may be brewed per HOUSEHOLD per quarter of calendar year, self consumption or sharing, transport of no more than 10 gallons for any state competition licensed through the ABC, and of course no distillations! Not to be confused with "No disintegration."
May 8, 2013
HB9 Passed the Senate!
In a strange twist HB9 (Alabama's Homebrewing Law) passed the Senate 18-7-1 without one word of debate and has gone on to the governor for passage.
"It goes to Governor Bentley now. Although he has indicated that he supports the bill, we need to make sure he knows thousands of Alabamians want him to sign it. This is the one, last step needed before Homebrewing is legal in Alabama, and in all 50 states! So, please go to http://governor.alabama.gov/ contact/contact_form.aspx,
and fill out the form with your information. Choose "Legislative Session 2013"
from the "Email Concerning which Issue" choices. And in the "Comments", in your
own words, politely ask the governor to sign HB9, the Homebrew Bill. Try to get
as many people as you can to do this! We know our prohibitionists opposition
will be writing him, and we must vastly overwhelm their numbers!!" Not sure how I feel about not being an outlaw?!
Thanks to Right to Brew.
"It goes to Governor Bentley now. Although he has indicated that he supports the bill, we need to make sure he knows thousands of Alabamians want him to sign it. This is the one, last step needed before Homebrewing is legal in Alabama, and in all 50 states! So, please go to http://governor.alabama.gov/
Thanks to Right to Brew.
May 5, 2013
I Just Shipped my Beer!
I found so much humor in this and The Enabler almost had RR blow out of his nose, that I had to post Kmart shipping everything.
Apr 12, 2013
It's Officially Cold
Being rooted in the SouthEast, seasons are a gamble. This past summer I told myself, I wouldn't wash a t-shirt until all were worn at least once. I'd simply let the pile get larger and larger until "fashion" or smell dictate otherwise. Well December was warm to say the least, and rainy. ( I hunt, trust me I'm in tune to the weather big time Oct-Mar). Well here's part (68 about 1/5th) of my t-shirt collection ready to be washed now that long sleeves have come and gone and we're back to warmer temps. So let's look in to the history of the T-shirt, since it goes along with brewing, kind of. Well think about it, most breweries have at least a T-shirt for sale to aid in revenue.
Apr 11, 2013
ESB's Namesake Arrival
I haven't blogged much because my latest ESB's "owner" has arrived. April 5, Evelyn Grace came into this world at 3:10pm weighing in at 7lbs 8oz at 19&1/2" in length. Oddly enough her brew is getting better and better the longer it sits on carbonation. Without divulging too much, her "flat" mates had interesting names. One I swore to share and research was the following-- Cherelijah, pronounced Cher+Elijah. Further investigation reveals the textbook meaning of the name, Cher is Louisiana Creole for "sweetie" or "darling" from the French derivative chéri. And of course Elijah is Old Testament Hebrew for "My God is Yahweh" or My God is Lord. Yeah, wrap your head around that one! At least when someone googles Cherelijah, I'll get a hit:) And by the way we've knicknamed her Hello Kitty, because when she cries it sounds like a cats meow?
Mar 23, 2013
Our Tastes-- Ghost River Golden Ale
As Junk brings'em, I taste'em. Ghost River Golden Ale pours a slightly cloudy golden straw with light white head. Golden ales for me have the same nose of slight bready yeast, almost lager-esque, this one is no different. The taste has a forward taste of the "German" variety hop, generally speaking these tend to be readily identifiable in beers with light malt profiles. Malts for this one are Munich and two-row. This is a really good golden. Reminds me a bit of SA Noble Pils on the hop profile, must be some Saaz or Tettnanger hiding in it. Ghost River has an interesting soft (low mineral content) water source in the Memphis Sands Aquifer. I'd knock a 6er of these out while cutting grass and smoking stogies.
Mar 22, 2013
Brew Batch #50 REINKE'S REVENGE 2012
And on the same night Reinke's 2012 kegs it up. FG 1.016+0.00@ 66F lays down a 9.7%abv dry-hopped behemoth! When this one gets cold I'm hoping more malt comes forward because the Target hops are there almost overwhelming the EtOH. Hay Man, stay tuned.
Brew Batch #51 ESB (a.k.a Evie's English)
Evie's English into the keg. FG 1.002+ 0.00@ 66F knocked out a 5.7%abv bitter. The uncarbonated flat tester has a good more yeast up front than I would like but the Glacier hops give it a nice even slightly minty bitter across the palate. I'm sure as it gets colder and the yeast drops our this one will be a good'en.
Mar 12, 2013
Ah Yes, THAT day is Nearly Upon Us Again.
There aren't many days that consistently raise my spirits, but Christmas and this one run together just ahead of opening day for hunting season. If you'd like to learn about the lingo, start here.
Against the Grain- Shartpants
Bonus beer is Shartpants. Apparently ATG Brewery has the story of Old Slohdzhak that they model some of their beers after depending on the type. Shartpants is an oaked Belgian IPA at9.1%abv and 78.5 IBUs. The head in the sampler glass even has a nice thick froth to it, in part I'm sure to the uber combination of the hop profile of Columbus, Centennial and Cascade and Belgian Abbey ale yeast used in this grapefruit, piney, yeasty bready libation. I loved it so much that currently I have a voluminous growler my beer fridge that my mom-in-law felt like I needed in life. Yeah, she's a keeper. This was an awesome beer to shut the flight down on.
Our Tastes
Mar 7, 2013
Against the Grain- Wakatube IPA
Wakatube New Zealand IPA, their hop beer of course. This 7.6%abv IPA is hoppy with more floral than citrus nose and palate tones. Not as hop explosive as I would have thought with a mouthfeel not as full as I'd think but bitterness is definitely there with 68 ibus. Not sure of the exact NZ hops used, I was too busy gulping..
Our Tastes
Against the Grain- Pepperation H
And the flight just got wilder ad wilder. Pepperation H was the smoke beer and boy was the smoke up front. An amber ale at 7.2%abv made with peppers and cherry wood smoked malts aged over hickory wood. Poured a very clear medium brown with a very deceiving nose. The caramel and Vienna malts lended a sweetness balanced out by the Magnum hops. Then the puree of Guajillo, Morita, Pasilla and Chipolte peppers adds flavor and the post fermentation addition of Habanero slides in some heat. I could swill down a full pint but for the time being 4oz or so was just right.
Our Tastes
Against the Grain- Saladbarity
Saladbarity was next up. A Baltic porter listed as their dark. It had a great roasted malt and an 8.1%abv as smooth as I've ever had. A beautiful dark brown beer made of maris otter, pilsner, caramel and chocolate malts. Throw in some Magnum and Saaz hops and you've got a keepsie.
Our Tastes
Mar 4, 2013
Against the Grain- Munichaulay Dunkulkin
As the flight continues I went with their malt brew, Munichaulay Dunkulkin, a Munich dunkel at 5.5%abv. It's progressively darker brown than the predecessors. Dark wheat
is present in the malt bill for sure! I don't drink a lot of dark wheats because I tend to shoot right at the opacities of winter but this was another awesome beer. Melanoidin and chocolate malts bring a little roasty toasty. Hopped with German Tettanager to give it that noble feel.
is present in the malt bill for sure! I don't drink a lot of dark wheats because I tend to shoot right at the opacities of winter but this was another awesome beer. Melanoidin and chocolate malts bring a little roasty toasty. Hopped with German Tettanager to give it that noble feel.
Our Tastes
Mar 3, 2013
Against the Grain- Bierepoix
Bierepoix was my next brew classified as their whim beer. A biere de garde that was slightly more brown than the previous ESB. A 6.8%abv "Christmas dinner" in a glass. The nose on this one was bland but the ingredient list included celery, carrots and onions?! By far the most interesting beer all night. Apparently they do a Chef Collaboration series and this beer is 3rd in such line. Chef Andy Myers of the Anchorage Café helped to concoct the traditional French mirepoix (again looking this one up) flavors they put in this one and for giggles threw in some thyme, coriander, orange peel, and local sorghum. Oddly enough in the 6oz taster each veggie hint was present. I may only be able to knock back a pint of this one but it was definitely a good one to try.
Our Tastes
Against the Grain- Ludicrously Terse
A couple of weeks ago I was treated to a new brewery in Louisville, KY by my sister and brother-in-law called Against the Grain. Without being able to decide on just one brew I tried a flight plus the bonus beer and this may be the best flight of beers I've ever had! The beers as you can see on their website are broken down into main types of beers, the name of the beer and the specs on it. This is also easily viewed on the huge chalkboard menu that hangs in the dining area. First up, Ludicrously Terse their session beer (at the time) an ESB of 4.6%abv. Color of tea with very nice mild bitterness and an excellent example of the style. Apparently my mom-in-law liked it above all others but has not given up her stance on wheats/wits at this point. Odd grain bill with the use of Maris Otter barley malt, melanoidin (I had to look this one up), honey and victory malts. Bittered with New Zealand Pacific Gem and and late addition of Czech Saaz. Fermented with a London ale yeast for balanced mineral and fruity notes.
Our Tastes
Feb 16, 2013
Brew Batch #51 ESB (a.k.a Evie's English)
Prepping for our BaByQ, Merry wanted me to knock out a batch of brew. Well since this rarely happens I jumped on an impromptu batch of English Style Bitter, low abv, low bitterness, in the hopes of converting a few folks. Hopefully it'll turn out okay, I've never slapped a batch together and brewed in 8 hours. OG 1.042+0.00 @64F. From here on out Evie's English.
Brew Batch #50 REINKE'S REVENGE 2012
Racked over Reinke's 2012 this morning. 1.022 is where it has fallen to. This may make it a bit higher than normal on abv. Swill has a definitive difference of hop, so I went ahead a dry-hopped with an ounce of Styrian Goldings and Target.
Jan 26, 2013
Our Tastes-- Blithering Idiot
The last of the brews on Junk's taster list for the night is another Weyerbacher beer. We sip Blithering Idiot Barleywine Ale out of some Mikaso tulip glasses. Color is a cloudy deep dirty copper brown with an unapparent flat head. The nose likens too a bunch of raisins and figs up the ole nose. Taste is a malted blossom on the sweet parts of the tongue. "It is a sipper", Junk ca. right now. Weyer recommends you lay a few down for 5 or so years to bring forward more complexity in this 11.1%abv jingle bell shaker!
Our Tastes-- Heresy
Another Weyerbacher brew, Junk's hanging tough and trying his list. Heresy has a heavy raisin nose with a jet black color in it's brandy snifter. Taste is huge of vanilla beans. A grand heavy stout aged in oak barrels with great overtones of that same woodiness. This 8%abv smooth drinking stout is made by aging Old Heathen Imperial Stout in Kentucky bourbon barrels. I miss this one already, good news is they release it every February.
Our Tastes-- Life & Limb 2
Originally a 24oz collaboration between Sierra Nevada and DFH in 2009, now we try the encore of the 750ml bottles called "Life & Limb 2". Everything about this beer is phenomenally complex. Junk smacks this around the palate with me this evening and before it's even opened, one can tell that it's going to be superb. When you look at the bottle that's been in my beer fridge for quite some time now and realize that there's a small amount of mold around the neck at the cork and on the label itself where some of the beer landed, you know it's gonna be great. We try this one in my thistle glasses given by The Enabler. Color on this beauty is opaque brown with a thick off-white almost light tan head. Nose is of syrup or oak. For the palate it runs more the sides and middle with regards to sweetness and bitter, but for Junk a front then to the back. We both agree the bitterness of aftertaste on the sides. Along with how the taste runs, it seems to be hot up front with an astringency and pecan nuttiness. It has great lattice and everything about this beer has an East/West complexity. Just look at the label! From the maple and birch syrups to the malts and everything in between, even down to the blending of the yeasts and the free range chicken with bobwhite quail on the label everything screams collaboration. Especially the 10.2%abv. I'd buy a case of these if I could find them.
Jan 16, 2013
Brew Batch #50 REINKE'S REVENGE 2012
I had no intention of it falling this way with regards to which batch was my 250th gallon. But, even though it is long off of it's original brew date and Lord willing I'll actually get back to that for 2013 but Reinke's Revenge hits the lautertun today. Now I've tried changing several aspects of this brew with regards to different malts, fruit additions, and aging over oak, but I've never actually changed the hop profile, so in the hopes of not making a unpalatable 5C batch, I'll be going with Columbus, Styrian Goldings and Target on the hop additions. I'm playing with the idea of dry-hopping it a little, but like Red taught me in this respect, "try it first" you can always add more dry-hops but there ain't no "do-over" once you've dropped them in. OG 1.084+ 0.00 at 62F and a swill of noticeable hop change from recent batches.
Jan 13, 2013
Mikkeller Black Hole
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Company, USA
Jan 12, 2013
Our Tastes-- Luna de Miel
A great BBC offering picked up a couple of years ago. Heavy particulate medium brown with red tints. Flat head and nose of sweet raspberry and unfermented honey. This brew slashes a little tart across the tongue but little alcohol taste. 7.5%abv and a sweet light mead is this brew. Made with barley malt, wildflower honey and red raspberries, I wonder if this is more along the lines of a braggot? Want to know more about the moon of honey? This is a great taster with Junk and Russo.
Our Tastes-- Ta Henket
DFH dug out a recipe from Pharaoh Scorpion I's tomb (ta henket) "bread beer" and when I pour it a heavy white froth comes over with a very yeasty nose. 4.5%abv. Very bland. Made with Za'atar, chamomile, Emmer Farro, Doum fruit and free range Egyptian yeast captured in petrie dishes. Not a huge beer and very light overall with a crazy light color. The beer itself was a historical collaboration and an extremely interesting read with regards to it's inception, but a beer I may only buy to use as a BMC conversion beer. I take that back, I'd probably knock out a 750ml myself. It was intriguing to be reminded of how beer came into this culture with the advent of bread beer. We weren't sure why soaked bread loafs in water made it so much more enjoyable, just that it did.
Jan 5, 2013
Our Tastes-- Dark Truth Stout
Many times the truth is dark and not as appealingly clear as we would like. However, I will not let this sway my peer review of Dark Truth Stout. Made by Boulevard Brewing Co. in Kansas City, MO. It pours a masterful jet tar black with slightly creamy tight brown head after settling. The aroma attacks the nose with roastedness of anything that can be burnt. Not sure if it is coffee or malt at this point but the aroma is exciting. On first swill of the offering of The Enabler, a smokiness rushes across the palate like scorched land leaving little room for anything else. Hop is there I'm sure but undetectable. The warming EtOH is definitely there from a 9.7%abv. Plums and raisins are your sticky tongue favorite on this one. This time of year I'm especially partial to stouts mainly because of the heartiness but too they seem to have their (stouts) own little niche with regards to being able to gently envelope other delicate notes.
Jan 1, 2013
Our Tastes-- Firestone Walker Double Jack
Offered up by Junk via bootleg, I had to try this one. Double Jack is a special offering that when poured up is striking. This is by far the clearest IPA or Double IPA I've ever sampled. I can say that the color is a true dark straw that script can be read through on the other side of the pint glass. I've never seen an IPA this way. Head is white foam that quickly dissipates. Nose is of soft yet assertive hops with slight cereal notes but overwhelming florals. Taste runs bitterness across the tongue like a sprint. The spread page gives the techs better than I can type it. 9.5%abv, IBUs 100 but color is an 8, that validates me!
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Company, USA
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