Dec 31, 2017
Our Tastes-- Peppermint Victory at Sea
Peppermint VAS is BP's Imperial Porter on a touch of peppermint for that festive time of year. Still a solid 10% with their Caffee Calabria connection. Pours a great dark brown-ness topped with a marshmellow tan that gives way to a sweet malt nose tainted by mint. The swill is a perfect up front sweet malt followed by a peppermint coffee roast balance finishing on a roasted bitterness. Though now a buyout, I am a BP fan in that it doesn't seem to have lost any of it's QC. DFH, on the other hand, (of which I was a champion and still am to a certain degree) missed the QC part on initial sellout with regards to canning fo sho'! Brew on BP, I'll be looking for Barmy.
Dec 30, 2017
Our Tastes-- Rocket Republic Cosmic Cookie Oatmeal Brown Ale
Another Alfalfa Train "leg" from north of here. Cosmic Cookie did not disappoint. A 5.4% clear brown ale with a relatively basic composition to it's base recipe but the spices and flavoring are truly a work of art. For me the cinnamon was a more "true" cinnamon type of Cassia that seemed to be overdone to the point of almost metallic, but then the sugary oat flavors with a touch of raisin kicked in. No doubt a flavored beer but done so with a great first attempt and the right time of year as we close in on the 20s at night for the next week. Got a howler, but could've shared and killed a growler! Well done.
Dec 20, 2017
Our Tastes-- CandyBar Pinstripe Stout
Blue Pants makes an impressive coffee stout that they keep in production year round for the stout monster in you. However, CandyBar Pinstripe, much like their other flavored stouts is a quaffable year round dessert beer that boggled my mind! A decent malt bill in the stout itself followed by a wicked flavoring that makes you feel as though you're drinking a liquid Baby Ruth. At 8% and only in bombers this is a 2 pint deal and moving on. Nonetheless, I pick up a bottle occasionally just to have on hand;)
Our Tastes-- Lucille
Coming through for me once again, Junk provides a superb libation in Lucille! The scent of dark sugar and vanilla jumps all over your nose. A nice imperial stout in and of itself with a thinner body than I'd like but the hickory wood notes on this one make it truly excellent to me. Of course this is stout mouth season and I may have felt differently about it's profile during a sweltering August Hot Balls finish but this is almost perfection at 9.4% for me. I know part of the story behind this beer is the wood aging process where hickory, white ash and maple were all used (the woods from which bats are birthed plus birch and hickory fell out of favor a long time ago due to it's inherent weight). My only regret on this brew is not having a couple to age to see how well the wood aging transitions.
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Dec 8, 2017
Brew Batch #88 Sittin' Session IPA
Wanting to revisit this recipe post-Siebel, I cranked it up on a sleet (snow in bound?) kind of day. The last batch just didn't have the profile I expected, so armed with better brewing and yeast pitch knowledge I hope to have this as a freshie in about 28 days. OG 1.052+0.000 @62F
Dec 5, 2017
Brew Batch #87 Pill Roller Pils
Into a keg for at least 3 weeks of cold conditioning today with FG 1.010+0.001 @67F to give a perfect 4.7%. Should be ready about first week of January for some deer pulling hydration. The swill is awesome with it's distinct Saaz notes. Been a long time since I had a Saaz heavy brew, really looking forward to this one.
Walk the Line on Barleywine 2017
Judging was this past Saturday and though Ikigai attained a 31.5 average, no medal was given. I knew this would be a tough one since only barleywines were being judged but I was looking more for the tasting notes. I did however notice a pattern, only 2 medals were given per category and much like Badger Brew a lot of either the sponsoring homebrew club members won or locals. But as a buddy told me, "eff" the mini BOS's if you get a medal great it's the commonality in the feedback you want. So overall, Ikigai sits at a solid 32. Time to tweak it a little and maybe enter the same ones next year? I'll sip on the QC bottles and let you know.....
Dec 3, 2017
Badger Brew 2017
Took place on 11/4 and Ikigai didn't fair as well as it did in the 2 previous comps. 169 total entries and I ended up with an average 26 from a Cicerone and a Recognized judge? The BJCP guy gave the higher score but the notes however were relatively the same and that's what I'm looking for. Alas, Walk the Line on Barleywine through the Dunnedin Brewer's Guild is the last one I'm entering before tweaking the recipe a bit. Those results should post in a few days.
Nov 15, 2017
Brew Batch#87 Pill Roller Pils
So after Seibel, I wanted to at least try a lager since my 25 gallon keezer was bone dry! That day came today with a little pilsner concoction called Pill Roller Pils. Base was simple and the 100% Saaz aroma filled the chilled garage with a wonderful steamy warmth. So the keezer is set at 58F and I was able to knock it down to 65F by itself with my new pump and the use of ice water through the chiller within 15mins. So with an OG of 1.046+0.001 @65F this one has a spot on start.
Our Tastes-- Cusqueña Dark Golden Lager
Raising a bootlegger properly is a tough chore, but the Alfalfa train went international on this one! Straight from Cusco, Peru to my mouth comes Cusqueña. Yes, I understand it's a mass produced dark golden lager but man can they knock it out right south of the equator. Cusco was once capitol of the Inca Empire founded in 1100AD and still has the Plaza de Armas as it's central square. At over 11,000 ft it's hard to imagine obtaining gravity fed mountain water, but that's the base. Cervecera Alemana "German Brewery" was founded October 1, 1980 by Ernesto Günther and quickly became a crowd favorite with it's much lighter lager as the natives were used to chicha to begin with. The 100% barley malt bill makes the body better than a pilsner and the Saaz is a standard hop. A wonderful white head sat atop for quite sometime as the bubbles gripped to the ole No Shave. At 5% this little beauty has been the feather in the cap of the Alfalfa Train's to date.
Nov 8, 2017
Brew Batch #86 REINKE'S REVENGE 2017
A month behind on getting this one out but the results look to be phenomenal. Changed the grain bill from last year to reflect some midnight wheat instead of so much roasted bill. Kicked up a 1L starter for this one because with Pf's help at One True Bine Brewing Co, we overshot the OG by 6 points to give OG 1.102+0.00 @68F and will need the extra yeasties. I'm toying with putting half on raspberries and vanilla beans, but let's see how she drops first.
Brew Batch #85 Southie-12
Into the keg she went today at a healthy FG 1.016 to give 8.3%abv. Taste is estery and warm, so hopefully a couple of weeks at room temp while I attempt my first Pilsner will change the profile a little. Overall, I'm very happy with the results, perhaps more dark malts the next go around but I'll take this as a 90-93% average on what I was trying to get out of this perennial favorite.
Oct 29, 2017
Brew Batch #83 Jake's Juice
The final extract batch for this recipe for me as I continue on my all grain journey from here on out with this one. One problem, pedicle formation. A big one. Dropped the OG to 1.002+0.001@ 67F to yield 6.4, so this why the abv is higher than expected. After looking at it, this was the same fermenter I racked over from mango wheat's first attempt. So, on advice from fellow brewer at One True Bine Brewing, I now have some Brett and sour equipment to isolate and branch out with. The beer gods taketh away then giveth?
Hoppy Halloween
Came and went yesterday without an Ikigai place. However, with 587 entries and an English Barleywine winning BOS I feel lucky just getting score sheets. That and the fact that the entry that took 1st in my category won it out right tells me I was up against a big dog. Maybe Badger Brew 2017 will yield better results. I'll keep you posted on scores when they come in. (update) scored 32.5 average with the same overall impressions and possible changes to the recipe.
Oct 26, 2017
Brew Batch #85 Southie-12 (AG)
My first post-Siebel AG batch was my interpretation of Southie-12. Southie is my idea of a Belgian Strong Dark (18E). Malt bill included 2-row, white wheat, chocolate malt, honey malt, C40, C120, cara-pils and eventually some D-180 Belgian syrup. Stayed with Cluster and paradise seeds at their usual time. OG came in at 1.079ish about 10 points off expected but still learning Pf's brewing system and B.E. at One True Bine Brewing Co. Bottom line is we need to brew it again to validate and quantify! Hopefully the Wyeast 3864 is churning away by the morrow.
Oct 21, 2017
Jacktoberfest 2017
Ikigai was brewed to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day. Pronounced, ee-kee-guy and a concept of "reason for being", I let this one age a touch and sent it on its way to my first post-Siebel homebrew comp. Came in 3rd in it's category out of 69 entries (score of 38). Preview of medal below, mine's in bronze;) Get it on draft while you can, Batch #2 due to brew soon!
Oct 18, 2017
Our Tastes-- Orange X
Another post-Siebel buy that apparently the masses at the draft house at AleSmith called for?! Their Extra PA on orange peel and flavor, yeah I got it, working on that one myself with mango wheat;) 5.25%abv with a good frothy whiteness to top and nose of pure orange, NOT tangerine, cutie, tangelo, but straight ORANGE, as though juice with the pulp. Taste, EPA overcome by oranges! I'd drink a sixer, if I hadn't given away a few.
Oct 15, 2017
Brew Batch #84 Mango Wheat v1.1
So this go around I altered the Azacca additions a little and went with 2.5 ounces mango flavoring on the kegging. FG 1.006+0.001 @74 to give it a smooth 5.4%. Got it on the gas for next weekend's Oktoberfest in Auburn.
Oct 14, 2017
Our Tastes-- Here Comes Mango!
So post-Siebel, I treated myself to a ton of beers I couldn't get here via That's where this little lovely came from. Here Comes Mango! is an IPA from Belching Beaver, of which I've never had a single brew. However, this one pours a frothy whiteness atop a hazy medium orange hue. The Amarillo and Simcoe hops are nice and the mango flavor is obviously over the top but welcomed. 6.6% and a only one bomber made this a quick disappearance.
Oct 12, 2017
Our Tastes-- HawkBill
So the image stuff on this is weak (which is usually a good thing!) But made with pilsner (expected), oats, but a touch of rye? (that one got me cause it's easily missed), I certainly did with the light body given forward before even getting to the hops! Mosaic (which is all over the place from what I discern) , El Dorado, and Galaxy hops present a sharp, citrus punch while the addition of Simcoe to the dry hop adds a final piney complexity to this easy sipping, hazy IPA. The commercial description of NS and Rakau must be different because my can said otherwise. At 6% I'm one these cans all day!
Junk's Junk,
Our Tastes
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Oct 9, 2017
Hoppy Halloween
Sent more comp samples this morning to Hoppy Halloween in Fargo, ND. That's the farthest competition I've entered and went with Ikigai again. There were 11 entries in this category last year with an English Barleywine coming in 3rd. (464 entries from 20 states). 2015 was even deeper and yet an English Barleywine came in 2nd, so maybe there's a chance. Currently there are 460 entries and I'm #197. Awards live here on 10/28/17.
Oct 4, 2017
Our Tastes-- Ramarillo
From Big Lake Brewing, Ramarillo sports a nifty designed 16oz can to hold a very nice Amarillo and Citra laden IPA. Yazoo's pale ale, if memory serves, used to be a prime example of Amarillo hops. I've grown to truly enjoy these pint cans, in that they fill a nonic with no problem. However, the 4 packs you usually by them in cut 12 ounces out of the "usual" 6 pack volume while maintaining the same price point (boo). I'm thankful to Andy Mc for snagging this "Untapper", keep'em coming!
Brew Batch #84 Mango Wheat
Mango wheat v1.1, with 10 additional grams of Azacca at 5 minutes and I'll be skipping the mango pulp this time, apparently best use is 1.5lbs/gallon and my 4 only yielded 1lb last time (those big honking seeds!). OG 1.044 +0.002 @77F, lower than last batch but more inline with the numbers I was expecting. I'll also dabble with tripling the flavoring agent (sorry Red) to get the mango where I want it. ABV should be slightly lower making it more crushable and a hopeful entry into this year's Oktoberfest in Auburn.
Oct 2, 2017
Our Tastes-- Both Ways

Sep 27, 2017
Brew Batch #82 Mango Wheat
Went into the keg this afternoon at FG 1.004+0.002 @77F to give a healthy 6.3%. On first swill, the mango nose and slight taste were there but I think I'll be doubling the Azacca on the next batch and going 100% mango flavor without pulp. Even thought about some flaked oats but I think the other 2 points should be changed first. Gassing up for the Return of Junk.
Sep 21, 2017
Jacktoberfest 2017
Post Siebel, my goals were small and staggered. I wanted better learning around yeast propagation and hop usage during the course to help with recipe development. Then phase II involved entry into several home brew competitions with medal reception of some placement using a few different recipes. Thus, we have the entry of Ikigai into the Annual Jacktoberfest. Mailed the entries off today for category 17D in the hopes of brewing this on-site at Lucky Town Brewing Co. Winners and BOS (Best of Show) are announced 10/08/2017 via their Facebook page 10/20ish. I'll keep you posted on results and overall scores.
Sep 13, 2017
Brew Batch #83 Jake's Juice
I want to see how long I can re-prop this yeast without detriment. OG 1.051+0.001 @67F, from 3 batches ago? Thank you Siebel, on 60bbls this could be $500 per pitch yeast management. Plus, the neighbors are pulling growlers faster than I can entertain bottling! It's amazing how fermentation was full blown within 4 hours. It's also the same strain for my impending Mango Wheat Oktoberfest entry.
Sep 12, 2017
Our Tastes-- Furious
A well known IPA in the home brewing circles especially since Surly Brewing Co. released this recipe as part of a ProAm program with Northern Brewer. Surly pours up a fantastic amber to red hue with ample tan head. Nose is evenly paired with soft hops tones and the touch of English yeast used. But then the pay off is the destructible taste of Warrior, Ahtanum, Cascade, Simcoe and Amarillo on what appears to be the malty backbone of an Imperial Red? Go figure. Either way, if given a choice between this and Dutch Windmill, I'd pick Surly every single time!
Sep 11, 2017
Our Tastes-- Daisy Cutter

Sep 9, 2017
Our Tastes-- Kiwi Kölsch
A little Cahaba Brewing Co offering, their summer seasonal and a little Alfalfa train bootleg. It's no secret that I look to perfect JJ's honey kölsch and I've tried more of that style and comparable lighter beers this summer than ever before. So here's another 5.3% light and lovely with coriander and kiwi. I've not read of coriander in this style, more prevalent in the wits., but we carry on. Color and aroma is standard but the taste is clean, sweet with a touch of tart on the very end. No nose of kiwi per se so I guess this is their contribution? Either way, it was an ok brew and I would definitely crush a growler easily during a hot summer yard work day.
Sep 6, 2017
Our Tastes-- North Island IPA

Brew Batch #81 Jake's Juice
Into the keg with perfect flavor, all it needs is a little chill and gas. FG 1.008+0.002 @75F to give 5.6%. Jake has already hit me up for a growler this weekend though his 2 cases of bottles will take a hit.
Sep 2, 2017
Our Tastes-- Bretticent
I have 3 bottles of Wicked Weed pre sell-out stuff and this is one of them. Now, when I got this bottle I was not big on the "British fungus" nor the saison class in general. However, when I poured up Bretticent even my wife clamored at it! It poured a thick white head atop a medium to dark ray of sunshine. Taste at 6.5% was light and smooth with a touch of tart. Made with Riverbend Malthouse barley, wheat and rye and finished with Brettanomyces, this is one of the most phenomenal saisons I've had. Now part of "The High End" with AB-InBev, I'm curious to know whether this intricately made and produced beer will remain the same.
Sep 1, 2017
Goat Haus Biergarten
Aug 29, 2017
(Not So) Hot Balls 10K 2017
This year's Hot Balls 10k was, well, not so hot. I've waited for a good and blistery day but 84F at 57% humidity could only yield me a slightly sticky 87F. Distance for the year's race was 6.6miles, but that's what you get when you try to pre-hydrate with Bud Platinum and calculate "on the run". Turn out was light this year; however, sponsorship for the runners was extravagant with a new sponsor this year in NBC. The route took place on part of Pike Road's Nature Trail off Meriweather Road. Miles 1 & 5 had the distinct honor of being the "gaggiest" as the smell of cow manure was prevalent. Right around mile 4 pasty mouth set in and all I could think about was ice cold beer at the end and how well it would slake my thirst. Then it hit me, Hell is like this with regards to thirst and I increased my pace. Closing in on the finish, I barely outran the remnants of Harvey that had started to invade our state, only to enjoy the beers below. Winning time: 1:05:38. Special thanks to Junk, The Lil' Mule and NBC for making it another memorable Hot Balls!
Brew Batch #82 Mango Wheat
OG 1.052+0.002@ 79F. I overshot my first "figure it out batch post Siebel" by 0.006. But I did manage to prop up 1010 yeast from JJs and repitch with fermentation in about 6 hours. My new recirculating cold water pump is great and cold crashes from 200F to 75F in about 20 minutes, I've just got to get the cold water tank set up 30 minutes prior. The pound of white wheat added is beautiful but also part of my gravity culprit. So in 10 days I hope to rack onto about 3 lbs of ripe mango fresh for 7 days AND knock out JJs again since I let him down.
Aug 19, 2017
Brew Batch #81 Jake's Juice
Coming out of Siebel, I wanted to make sure I could dial this recipe in. The last 10 gallons (AG) I split over different yeasts came out with off flavors. With this batch I propped the yeast for 2 days on a liter volume and then used a recirculating fountain pump on 15 gallons of ice cold water to cold break it from 200 to 75 in about 30 minutes. The pitch went great and I had crazy fermentation in 4 hours! OG 1.051+ 0.002@77F all on 1010. Let's see if I can knock out 5 gallons, re-pitch same yeast and hit 5 more.
Aug 4, 2017
Our Tastes-- Stop Work 689 Kolsch
I go back to STA thinking that surely other than their big beers that there will be a "middle of the road" brew they consistently make well. Stop Work 689, was the notice apparently given to the brewery when they first opened by the city of Huntsville. Well if they were working on this beer maybe they should have reopened at least later. Color I good but the bitterness in this style is unwarranted in my humble opinion. Little to no froth and a taste of "tinny". At this rate I can only somewhat support the barrel-aged line, Illudium and Unbotanium.
Jul 8, 2017
TnDC #26 Field Trip Big Beach Brewing Co.
As the clan ventured out for the first time on a road trip (for 5), I was granted a trip to Big Beach Brewing Co. with my wife. These guys are doing something special with only a 10bbl system. The brewery's taproom boasts a wide open space with an open face stone fireplace for those cool winter ocean breezes and a mega industrial ceiling fan to slowly keep pushing air on us summer goers. The roll up door is both functional for delivery and patron entry in front and the side bar with taps on the sidewalk side. The best part is the yard area out front that has a monstrous live oak at it's center untouched by the brewery as the entertainment area encompasses it. We arrived for the Firkin Thursday offering of their NEIPA. This test beer was a haze monster of fullness enveloped in big chewy C hops. The 8.9%abv was barely noticeable and yet apparent after 2 pours. Next up, Mr. Tallymon hefeweizen. Nose of bananas meets you square on in this crisp clear beer. I could very possible destroy this all day. Especially at 5%. Then we slid into Strand Saison. This farmhouse ale at 6.3% has great subtle notes of bananas with a larger overtone of clove hidden in it's orange hue. Even Merry found this one to be an easy one to empty. Upon our exit, we tried one of their BMC conversion beers, Beach Express Blonde. A solid beer with good color but slight biscuit and bitter tones. Served daily for $3.50 a pint though. kind of wish I had thrown their Cream Ale in the mix for reference. If you get a chance to take in the southernmost brewery in the state, do so, you won't be disappointed.
Our Tastes,
TnDC News
2017 Semi-Annual Beach Balls 5k
This year's almost 5K race (3.4 miles actually) took place at Pine Beach Trail in Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge. Listed as a moderate to intense 5.1 out-and-back, I put it at 3.4 from Live oak entrance to sea turtle breeding ground on the Gulf of Mexico. Starting out at the trail head marked by a live oak that measured larger than our Honda Pilot in circumference, the runners took off at a higher mph rate than usual thanks to the mosquito population. The first 1/4 mile through the oak canopy was intense but opened to a level compact trail lined on both sides with various pines (slash, loblolly, sand), myrtle oaks, yaupon and deer moss. As mile 1 passed the only passage between Little Lagoon (salt water) and fresh water Gator Lake was the running path itself. Off to the east, thunderheads and sheets of gray dipped to the ground obscuring the skyline. Baby gators are kind of cute (and tasty when properly prepared). Then the real fun began with a 300-400 yard turn around in the dunes dodging ghost crabs that opened to protected breeding grounds (should have brought my wife) and nothing on the shoreline either way for over a mile. Brought it back to meet an armadillo on the way and finish with DFH's Flesh & Blood for an Untappd badge by 8am. Thanks to those who turned out;)
TnDC News
Jul 7, 2017
Our Tastes-- Blackberry Farms Summer Saison 2016
I've committed to now broadening my palate brush on saisons, kolschs, wits, wheats and blondes. So as I packed for this trip, BBF Summer Saison 2016 came with me. The picture says it all! While BBQing old school I decided I could imbibe this 750 with my wife (she oddly enough did not care for this saison). Color and head were remarkable. The thick foam this conditioned bottle poured with was amazing, color is as seen with further muddling as I reached the bottom. The subtlety citrus nose was followed by slightly bitter malty notes. Mouth feel was creamy and delightful on a hot humid day at the beach. Australian Summer and Citra hops make this one perfect for the grilled yard bird. 6.3% makes it all day fun.
Our Tastes
Jun 24, 2017
Our Tastes-- Mosaic dry-hopped Fort Point
Another Trillium pale ale that only a pic can truly convey. Not a juicy NEIPA, but a über brew on it's own. Mosaic in other beers hasn't had this kind of impact on me, but I get a great honeysuckle, tangerine peel grass from the nose. As you can see the beer would be otherwise clear has the hop particulate not been poured over, but I wanted the full experience. Enjoyed from a 16oz can and poured a fabulous white froth with a green beaded trail down the middle from the unfiltered hops. So far both of the PAs I've had from them like Columbus "son of Nugget" in their recipes (part of the CTZ grouping), coincidence?
Jun 23, 2017
Siebel Studies
Going into week 9 we'll start Beer Sensory. I'm looking for to that to be able to identify flaws better in my brew. I've also looked at an AHA offered sensory tutorial that only $20 just to reinforce. If I can identify a certain flaw accurately at least I'll know where in the process I need to start looking for a remedy. Yeast management was informative, high grav brewing is something done more by the big boys and I actually got a lot out of the kegging module. Seems like a good task to give someone who has OCD:) I wish recipe formulation had been more in depth, but perhaps I can use the last few weeks to delve deeper into this with the instructors as my plan is to finish early and use the remaining time to re-read and probe them on other aspects.
Jun 20, 2017
Our Tastes-- Beer for Breakfast
A fine pre-sellout brew! Beer for Breakfast is a great DFH 7.4% heavily lactose laden stout. Color is good and dark with a slight powdered sugar nose. Full mouthfeel and the smoked coffee taste that comes through is by far the best part to this brew for me! The layers of ingredients in this beer are truly phenomenal. "2-row Applewood Smoked Barley, Kiln Coffee, Flaked Oats, Roasted Barley, Caramel Malt ... Molasses, Milk Sugars (lactose), Brown Sugar, Roasted Chicory" are all listed as active players in the brewing bill. Then there's scrapple, I could have gone the rest of my life without having this knowledge. It's as though my palate walked through a scene from Seven with curtains around it, only to have them snatched down at the last sip as I endeavored to understand this "scrapple" term. My mind drifts to a pint of high abv stout with pancakes and bacon dipped within it only to irreversibly remember how hot dogs are made. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Our Tastes-- Static Chipmunk
A very fine "Junker" that label alone would have caused me to purchase. Static Chipmunk is a Double IPA offering from Evil Czech Brewery out of Mishawaka, IN. Clocking in at 8% and 70 IBUs this marmalade orange beauty brightened a gloomy weather day for me. Topped with a robustly thick white head in which a nose laced with tropical tones heavy on pineapple erupted from to start my Pavlovian response. This brew is an amazingly quaffable DIPA that showcases Amarillo, Simcoe and Mosaic hops like a masterful artist! I Untappd this beer at 4.5 and wanted to know where I could get the t-shirt. Problem solved. Now, where can I get another sample without driving to Indiana?
Jun 19, 2017
Our Tastes-- 3 Sheets Barley Wine Ale
I have become a huge fan of Ballast Point Brewing Co since their arrival to my area. Sculpin (and it's kinfolk minus Habañero) led me into a great new line of beers. So when Three Sheets Barley Wine Ale came available at my local Hop City, I committed to a growler and it did not disappoint! (actually bought in March and just now tapping in to) A big ole brown colored ale with an initially frothy whitish head that quickly dissipated let me know this was to be a beauty.
Our Tastes-- BOMB!
Prairie Artisan Ales (and Junk) made this BOMB! taster possible. With a 100 on ratebeer and 99 on beeradvocate, I was more than happy to bend my light streak with this "Junker". Obviously if you've heard of BOMB! you know it's an imperial stout at 13%abv with an ability to bend light it's so dark. What I wasn't aware of was the creamy tan head and complex aroma that would pour into my tulip. I got an initial taste of chocolatey peanut butter followed by coffee, but not a bitter overly roasted bean but a smooth light roast that was intertwined in a full body of heavily laden alcohol. The cacao nibs were there as was a touch of vanilla, but whatever heat the ancho peppers were trying to contribute was drown out by the EtOH. I love beers like this that cause a memory to imprint while drinking them. Bravo Tulsa, OK.
Jun 17, 2017
Our Tastes-- Moody Tongue Peeled Grapefruit Pilsner
PGP is my first venture into Moody Tongue. Check that, Caramelized Chocolate Churro Baltic Porter was truly a wonder on a taster I recently had. But no mention of this brew on their direct site. (I do however like their "French-esque" themed t-shirts that say "Let your tongue decide"). PGP pours a clear light straw with flattening head. Aroma has a touch of fruity sourness to it but only as an afterthought. Oddly, the sour tartness that rides across the palate is refreshing and makes the desire for another 4.5% cleansing only more profound. I will say this, as a soon-to-be Siebel grad, I like the company I'm in with regards to the brewmaster. Then again, I've brewed with Red.
Our Tastes-- Cool Breeze
A Sweetwater offering in the summer seasonal that will gateway me into next month's challenge of as many saisons as possible. I find my palate and senses do best when I fully immerse myself in one particular style to learn most about what it actually is and what I hope to one day brew. Cool Breeze, (not related to the lanky guy I went to junior high school with) is a cucumber saison that pours a bright two-finger thick white head and slightly off haze straw. The nose to me is bland at best but the taste is so convincing that I broke out the fresh "cukes" from my mom's garden just picked this past Tuesday and paired the beer with it to absolute amazement. It's as though it was aged on a sh'ton of fresh cucumbers. This is SW's first venture into canned saisons and cukes, so a 2 in 1. I would buy a 6er of this but "just like Jim" it's only available in a seasonal pack awaiting it's full public approval for a full wave ride into the regular rotation. 4.9%, get one.
Jun 14, 2017
Our Tastes-- Gateway Köslch
Keepin' it light. I think I had this on my 3rd year anniversary trip to Savannah, or was it 2011 St. Paddy's in Asheville? Either way, this is a refresher. As I look more and more into this particular style I've noticed there aren't a lot of examples. Which encourages me even more with my perfection of Jake's Juice. Pouring a wonderful white froth over an über clear straw 5.3% liquid makes this a keeper. Not sure I would take it over Boulevard's kölsch but I'll put them head-to-head soon enough.
Jun 12, 2017
Our Tastes-- A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' ale
A Lagunitas lovely hoppy pale wheat coming in at 7.5%, so good I had to have it again. Pours a slightly hazed, thickly white headed, softly citrus nosed fully quaffable imbibement! I've had this one several times and admittedly this 6 pack flew through my pint glass. Could this be the first attempt at a hazy IPA from 2009?
Jun 7, 2017
Our Tastes-- Very Hazy
A DIPA from Treehouse, and currently unlisted on their website. I can only assume it's a kicked up version of Haze. The photo says it all. This style of beer is why I am currently attending Seibel. A new style of IPA that's gaining ground quickly. I haven't been this fond of a beer style since 2010 when Dark IPAs debuted in the BJCP categories as Deschutes Cascadian IPA was the first of it's kind I had. This falls into the 2015 version of Specialty IPA and in common circles has the denotation of NEIPA (New England-style IPA). The tropical aroma is only matched by the pineapple, orange, papaya that grabs a handful of the tongue. I can only imagine wheat and Citra play a big role in this beer, and the smoothness of the 8.6%abv rivals that of Pliny, but on the diaphanous spectrum we're all used to. Thank you Andy, thank you Treehouse for the non-retail distribution of "Tropical earthquake"
Jun 6, 2017
Our Tastes-- Flying Coffin IPA
Flying Coffin is an unfiltered IPA offering from a buddy at my local PnPs via Props Brewery in Ft. Walton, FL. Color is a fantastic brown copper, the head as you can see below pours that of a marshmallow froth, out of the CAN no less! Nose is somewhat absent. And though it states brewed with Chinook and I get a hint of the pine, the rest of the taste seems a little off. Not sure what they're dry-hopping with but the taste is more floral than anything else. I wish there was a packaging date but alas none. I truly dig the B-24 Liberator bomber, it was the B-25 predecessor. Many of the links don't work on their website, but it looks as though they have a hand in the Wahoos (Go Biscuits) baseball team which is always good, with their Blue Wahoos blonde. I like it, but don't' yet love it. Will pick up more to compare soon.
Jun 1, 2017
Light Beer Commitment
I have rarely had the inclement to try nothing but "lighter" beers but I feel like I should broaden the ole palate a but more than it is since attending Siebel. So I've committed to having as many kolsch, wits, wheats and blondes as I can for the remainder of my Siebel time through July 30th. I'm not saying I won't dip into the darker brews every now and then, but I definitely want to make it a point to try more since I'm looking to perfect JJs and better develop Smokin' Session and any NEIPA I attempt.
May 31, 2017
Brew Batch #80 Jake's Juice (AG#2)
Into the keg with both strains tonight. 2565 came n at 1.002+0.002 @75F to yield 6.43%, 1010 came in at 1.004+0.002 @75F to yield 6.3%. Color is identical, nose is relatively the same on both. I am somewhat worried about a phenolic tone but my taste may be off and of course the swill was 75F. The one noticeable character from the AG batches is that I have better efficiency with attenuation being roughly the same, so I need to back off the grain bill (dropping the honey isn't an option, because it's part of the ever changing process of the beer). Having a kölsch at >6% is not an option for me. Plus lower grain bills mean lower costs, even if minuscule it all adds up over time. I'll keep you posted on "bandaid" notes and whether or not I give it to Jake, but this one WILL be brewed again post Seibel.
May 30, 2017
Our Tastes-- SW Hatchery Series #1

May 25, 2017
Our Tastes-- Barista Brew
It's no secret that BlackStone beer holds a special place in my...belly! And as summer closes in on us I lean towards lighter, more wheat bodied beer but, every now and then I crave the darkness like a "needlehead" (sorry heroin addicts, or in my case all the cats, dogs, and grandmas that have diabetes). This one was almost excellence. Pouring exactly what you see above, there's no need for a descriptive of head and color. Nose was of a malty sweetness and the taste was divine, especially before noon. Barista Brew is an 8.1% black coffee stout, that actually comes over sweet for those afraid of coffee. It's "twin" so to speak Mocha Stout, I'll be having later. A smooth swill all the way through with a noticeable Frothy Monkey, cold pressed infusion. A great eye opener.
May 23, 2017
Seibel Studies
Three weeks in and I'm picking up some really good concepts that even years of reading hasn't brought forth. So far Brewing Water Chemistry has been the toughest and I imagine without going completely to all grain will be the hardest for me to master. The hop chapter has been very informative and I'm sensing a better grasp on the how/when/why of certain varieties. In the next few weeks we'll cover Yeast Nature and Propagation. I'm really looking forward to this material, as every brewer wants to know how to maintain and cultivate their favorite workhorse for the next batch.
May 17, 2017
Our Tastes-- Launch Beer
Launch Beer by Trillium Brewing is a phenomenal pale ale! I'll have to admit I'm on the NE haze craze. Though "I be" in Siebel, that doesn't mean I'm not still pushing the palate. It just means I may revamp/rebrew all my old recipes once I emerge from my chrysalis. Words couldn't describe the appearance of this beer, so I posted an actual pic. The cloudy medium straw has the same opacity as a stout! Sunlight barely passes through this beauty. Head is a pillowy settling white that springs the voluptuous Citra aroma at you like a pie in the face. I say add a little wheat to it all now! The yeast/protein bed left in tulip is something even Ray Charles would notice.
May 2, 2017
Siebel Start
After almost 15 years of home brewing, I've decided to try my hand at obtaining a Brewing Certificate from Siebel Institute via their online course. Suffice to say my extra time for the next 13 weeks will be spent on studying the 7-11 hours/week for the "average student". Then when I emerge from my Siebel cocoon, I hope to be able to provide better more consistent brews. My ultimate takeaway from this process is a good hazy wheat beer and how to possibly incorporate wheat into an IPA and a good session IPA recipe that I can use smoked malt in. So I'll be on a bit of a brewing hiatus until about August. Of course the tasters will still be flowing, maybe even a bit more often. But ultimately after I keg Jake's Juice the Beat-12 "nano" will be down for a while.
Apr 29, 2017
Our Tastes-- Surf Wax IPA
A "Junker" with almost perfection. This IPA made with Golden Promise and Crystal 120 along with a touch of wheat was amazing. Danked up by Centennial and Columbus then dry-hopped with Citra and Mosaic, it's aroma leapt from the can. A luscious flagship by Burial Beer Co. that has left an impression from the label artwork to the gullet. 6.8% brew that I could make a year-rounder in the beer fridge. It's hard for me to fathom that this place is a 1 barrel pilot brew system on a 10 bbl production system.
Apr 27, 2017
Our Tastes-- Grass Monkey
Available in the recent spring variety 12 pack along with their new Mosaic "Hatchery" offering, I would turn Grass Monkey down. A light golden hue with HEAVY particulate. When I first saw this brew, I was hoping for more than I got. The Lemondrop hops do lend a good lemony zest considering it's only made with 2-row and wheat, hence the pale wheat ale style. Alphas on these bad boys is roughly 0-5%, along the same lines as Medusa. The lemongrass addition adds to the somewhat lemony scent on the aroma. But overall, it's a 5.4%abv pack filler. I cleansed my palate with a SW IPA and moved on.
Apr 25, 2017
Our Tastes-- Woodshed
A Junk's Junk gimme, Woodshed, is Mill Creek's session IPA offering. I couldn't help but notice he was spending a lot of time at their new taproom (must have been a hard 15 mile drive), so I hit him up for some samples. Low and behold, this little 4.5%er "drink pretty good" --Alvin Holmes ca 2008. Woodshed has a good hop bitterness with just a touch of sweetness which means you can crush a growler and still cut straight lines in the lawn! It's no Session Player, but I'll be having more of it since they have now started distributing here.
Apr 19, 2017
Our Tastes-- KBS 2017
KBS has become not only an annual favorite of mine but somewhat of a unicorn spotting and capture event. Though there seem to be more barrel-aged beers now than ever, this one still seems to hold a place in the "rare experience" column. Except for those that have friends and wives that make it a bottle shop interception operation! This year's release sports a heavy whisky tone to it. Of course it's "dark", you would be too if barrel aged for a year. Nose was surprisingly light with molasses notes. The taste is a sticky sweet EtOH hot tongue turtleneck with vanilla undertones. I've got to barrel age Reinke's one year! I'm committing to that. Alas this one has come and gone in about a week. Thanks to Wee Nay Nay and Junk for the "Age Me" and Pies N' Pints for the quarter barrel commitment from the distributor.
Our Tastes
Apr 12, 2017
Brew Batch #79 Sittin' Session IPA
Kegged today with FG 1.004+0.002 @73F to yield 5.9%abv. Not as "sessionable" as I had hoped, that yeast just got down! The Citra, Cascade dry-hopping though turned out a stellar aroma. Cold crashing the "Red" way and should be sipping by this weekend.
Apr 11, 2017
Our Tastes-- Pernicious IPA
A Wicked Weed, Junk bootleg, Pernicious IPA ran around my palate tonight. Almost a lager light color topped with supple white head, it goes into my nonic. The aroma was barely hop noticeable even though made with Mosaic, Citra and some NZ hops; apparently it's supposed to bring mango and papaya to the forefront. Taste is a sweet floral with a light slickness on the palate during the finish. First brewed in 2015 and also medaled with silver at GABF the same year. I'll give it this, to be a 7.3% IPA of such a blonde color and light aroma it is somewhat "mold" breaking. Fully destroyable but only made in limited quantities right now due to the NZ hops used. "It's no Pliny!", but good in it's own right
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 7, 2017
National Beer Day 2017
Happy National Beer Day! Now download the Untappd app and badge up like the rest of us. I've chosen my bevvy, Athena from Creature Comforts. Considering this day's roots I figured something around the 4% mark would be more apropos. Signed into law by Teddy Roosevelt on March 22, 1933, it allowed for low-alcohol (roughly 4%) beer sales months before the actual repeal of Prohibition. Now raise a glass to the 4000+ breweries or which about 2400 are micro.
Mar 28, 2017
Brew Batch #80 Jake's Juice (AG#2)
What better way to open the summer since we skipped spring and never had winter! Got a chance to knock out Jake's Juice all-grain again. Hopefully dialed in the recipe a bit better today. Same grain bill used, addition of 10gms of Gypsum (Ca+SO4-). This may harden the water slightly and sweeten the taste just a bit. Sulfate portion of gypsum shouldn't make a big deal since it's effect is on hops and it's only got 2oz of Vanguard 4.8α at 60mins. Used the ole 2 different yeast strains "trick" again to see if Jake's profile has changed. Yielded 5C of 2565 OG 1.051+0.002 @77F and 4C of 1010 OG 1.052+0.002@ 77F. Even got hold of some honey harvested within 10 miles of the house.
Mar 17, 2017
Brew Batch #78 Chinook IPA
To celebrate the "Green Day", I started the morning by kegging Chinook. I've done this plus Centennial and the session IPA to get a better profile feel for some of these classic C's. Centennial is by far more floral than I thought by itself and Chinook the piney resin I thought it would be. FG 1.006+0.001 @65F. 6.56%abv
Mar 16, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Reinke's Revenge 2010, seemed like the only way to close the "darkness" out. I'll admit though this taster spree has put the bear in me. Right now, if I die I'd like dark beer for eternity. Only had a few bottles of this left and wanted to make sure I give it a good send off; however, if brewed again, regardless of year, I may still call it RR2010. The raspberries have hung in there like hair in biscuits! To fully appreciate this brew you'd have to have it, but unless it pops back up in 17' it'll be another year at at least. (got so busy drinkin' dark beer, I forgot to post this last week;)
Our Tastes,
TnDC St. Paddy's Day
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Mar 15, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Lagunitas Imperial Stout. That dog reminiscent of the Little Rascals has grown on me. Each of their beers so far has been a great investment to broadening my palate. From Little Sumpin' Sumpin' to Achtuberfest to this one. A shared event with The Enabler on this 9.9% (for goodness sake call it 10). The aroma was nothing to write home about other than some roast notes and a touch of sweetness. Taste was what I would describe and unaged "green" in an imperial stout and I welcome that sometimes!
Mar 14, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Terrapin Wake N Bake, was initially released around 2005-06ish because Junk and I bootlegged the 1st of it into our state when Mark's package store go it just over the state line in GA. Part of the "Monster Series", WnB has always been a delicious nugget of mine. However, Jittery Joe's coffee hasn't always been in it. I distinctly remember one year the profile changing to a more profound coffee and it's been that way ever since. Made with 2 row, Crystal 85, Flaked Barley and Oats and some Chocolate, Black and Roasted barley; this 9.4% imperial is as named a "coffee oatmeal" that pleases. From what I remember though the old recipe was slightly sweeter, lactose perhaps? Even made ice cream with it once.
Our Tastes,
TnDC St. Paddy's Day
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Mar 13, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
How about another orphan brewery, Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast . A deep black offering covered in at least 3 fingers of tan head. Beer Geek is an oatmeal stout brewed with coffee, emphasis on coffee. Aroma fakes you out a bit in that there is just enough sweetness to make you believe that's what you'll taste, but in fact any sweetness quickly dissipates to a HEAVY coffee (heaviest I've been able to recall in a while). I also think this beer may have been brewed without hops, because I discern "zero" in the profile as soon as the coffee kicks in, which is midway through the swallow and then a sticky continually resounding coffee. Did I mention the coffee I pick up almost throughout? 7.5% and a suggested name change descriptor...COFFEE stout brewed with oatmeal?
Mar 12, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Perhaps my 2nd or 3rd BlackStone fav (1st or 2nd if you count the death of Maris Otter Pale Ale), Chocolate Milk Stout. This lactose laden cocoa nib pounded milk stout reminds me truly of a Hershey bar that's been left in the car too long. Not that thick, but the impression is exactly as the name implies in my mind's eye! Wonderful sweetened condensed milk nose with a full body and sweet stout chocolaty taste at 6.9%. I haven't tried Barista and Mocha yet, but this is by far my favorite stout they make.
Mar 11, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Oh boy, one I've had before but not for a while. The Duck Rabbit's Rabid Duck. A jet black 10% behemoth! Located in Farmville, NC; The Duck Rabbit used to be known only for their dark beers. Then as the company grew they through in a German Lager, Amber, Marzen and Wee Heavy. This is a 2007 ager that has held it's own nicely. Sweet cherry nose lending to a raisin licorice initial taste followed by a soft roasted grain on the end. I really like how this beer has held after 10 years!
Mar 10, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Sweetwater Festive Ale 2014, is an annual favorite of mine and in recent years has become more scarce in my locale. I've found that trying this one "green" is equally as rewarding as the ones I've got aging from 2002! Nice profile changes occur from year to year, but this is the first vintage I grabbed out of the fridge. The cinnamon and mace is still very prevalent and the slick vanilla tones can't be denied. With a thinner body than you'd expect, you can crush them, but at 8.3% I'm not sure how many of them you would be ABLE to crush.
Mar 9, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Staying true to the darker hue, EvilTwin Brewing Even More Jesus. A 12% Imperial Stout, from the can no less! Black doesn't even begin to describe it's color with an aroma of chocolate and coffee. The alcohol is smooth and noticeable. Finishes relatively roasty overall. This is a great "go-to" imperial in the can. Apparently EvilTwin is an orphan brewery but Westbrook Brewing Co, seems to contract a lot of their stuff including this one.
Mar 8, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
Next up, a local brew, Black Warrior Oatmeal Stout. Made in T-town, which isn't that bad when it comes to beer, if it's Nat'l Championship beer, but this one is not. A draft pour with decent head and great medium darkness, but a thinness in body and mouthfeel that can't be overlooked. I liked it and would drink it again if given it, just not sure I would purchase it again. I'd like more body in this 5.6%er, which is an easy fix, so perhaps I'll venture into BW's Oatmeal Stout later.
Our Tastes,
TnDC St. Paddy's Day
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Mar 7, 2017
Ten Days of Darkness
As we close in on my favorite holiday, I've decided to stretch the liver with 10
days of darkness. Meaning a week and a half of nothing but wonderful stouts!
Today let's start with an American nitro stout, Left Hand's Milk Stout Nitro (plus it comes with a handy Untappd badge;) Pour it hard is right, because the very thick head quickly dissipates to a reasonable level. A darkness that sunlight doesn't pass through pairs with a nose of light maltose sweetness. The mouthfeel is medium to full with a more roasty taste profile than I was expecting, yet not a detractor as I continue the beer. Not a chocolate milk stout by any means, I'll be having that winner later next week. 5.6%abv, using 2-row, Crystal, Munich, RB, Flaked Oats, Flaked barley and Chocolate malt (should have added some nibs in my opinion). I like LH brews but this one could have been better.
Our Tastes,
TnDC St. Paddy's Day
Beat-12 Brewing Co, AL 36064, USA
Feb 28, 2017
Brew Batch #79 Sittin' Session IPA
Inspired by Session Player from BlackStone, and part of my IPA or Die series I wanted to try my hand at a session IPA. Took some good tips from Red on it still needing to have a decent malt backbone to it so it's not too thin. This will also help me turn some hop inventory which makes for a good excuse to simply restock later. Not sure how this Calypso, Cascade, Citra brew will turn out, but I'm sure someone will have a pint or 2? OG 1.050+0.001 @63F. The Citra hop stand has the garage smelling so nice.
Feb 24, 2017
Brew Batch #77 Centennial IPA (cIPA)
Kegged up today with a fantastic red, brown color. Put it on 22lbs @42F and started cold crashing, because I'd like to squeeze a pint out Monday. FG 1.008+0.001 @67F to give it a "sessionable" 7.35%. I'm not overly impressed with the PacMan yeast but it got the attenuation job done.
Feb 22, 2017
Ten of Fitty Part Zes
And 10 ounces to grow on! Finally finishing strong with The Enabler's b'day gift of fifty ounces of good beer. Our last brew, Piraat, was a 33cl split wonder. Light amber colored, full mouthfeel and velvety thick head reminds you that the best beers in the world come from Belgium. The banana clove taste makes this 10.5%abv an easy drinker that probably has matured since it was purchased. This Belgian pale ale was described as "hoppy", but this American palate found it to be soft and very quaffable. Makes me want to break open a Westie!!
Feb 18, 2017
TnDC Field Trip #25 Tapping Reinke's Revenge 2016
Today is the day I got to have one of my beers on tap/sale at an brewery. Thanks to Red and Junk, I was able to invite Dr. Reinke up to BlackStone Tap House to enjoy his namesake from tap #15! Coming in a little astringent from my overuse of roasted malts, Red put it on nitro to soften the effects. After a couple of 10 oz tasters, I gave it a 5 on Untappd:) Beautifully dark in color with a muted nose, but the smoothest taste I've ever had on a 9% beer. Even Merry had 2. And since it was on nitro meaning no growler fills, I told the Doc to "drink up". So when we try this next, we'll back off on the dark grains (Black malt, Roasted barley, Chocolate malt) and pump up the 2-row and add some oats. Can't wait for October already.
Feb 15, 2017
Our Tastes- Avondale No Joka Mocha Stout
Not my 1st Avondale brew but I'll admit I haven't tried many. No Joka Mocha Stout was a neighborly payment for good deeds done, so I figured I'd lay some words on it. A coffee oatmeal stout that pours AND tastes exactly as entitled. A pure black opacity with clean white head. It wafts of roasted coffee and quaffs of the same. Full disclosure, I love coffee of all kinds. But for me this brew has too much ROASTED brew in it. The bitterness of the coffee bean is somewhat overwhelming instead of blending. However, if that's what they were aiming for, then it's spot on. 7.2%abv makes it easily repeatable, but not sure I would order more than a pint of this at any given setting.
Feb 8, 2017
Brew Batch #78 Chinook IPA
Next up to alleviate some inventory is a straight Chinook IPA. No bells and whistles here, just Chinook from beginning to end, then dry-hopped some more guessed it, Chinook. I expect numbers close to Centennial. OG 1.056+0.001 @66F.
Feb 1, 2017
Our Tastes-- Sierra Nevada Beer Camp 2017
Another Beer Camp offering from SN, 2017 Golden IPA. This is a great concept by the SN folks to get you into the "what's coming this year" frame of mind. But this year's offering also makes me emphasize the marketing aspect to brewing as opposed to the real ingenuity of microbrews. Before I start this review, I'll admit I didn't even blog 2016 Tropical IPA. Because it was so tasty I blew through it and couldn't get more to post! This one, meh, not so much. Color, light golden, check. Nose, light hoppiness attached to 2 fingers of bright white froth, check. Taste is good, but it's akin to Yeungling or SA IPLs. Last year had more body. In it's own right, a good beer, but I feel as though SN needed a "Beer Camp" brew and just threw great hops into a light beer and called it Beer Camp. Crisp and light at 6.5%abv, I'll drink it again, but look forward to next year...
Jan 31, 2017
Our Tastes-- Sweetwater Squeeze Box
Squeeze Box IPA, is my continuation into all things grapefruit. I've delved into Sculpin of course, SA's version, Tropicanon, Citrus Mistress, made my own GIPA, even HI-5 had some to it. Pouring a more particulate beer than I am accustomed to from SW and a darkened yellow with good white foam. Nose is a gentle aroma of sweet grapefruit pulp, but the taste yields a dichotomous pithy bitter. Oddly, this is only the second beer that I've seen that uses Midnight Wheat. That's a new grain for me, I need to do some reading up. Overall, this is a great "unseasonal" (much like our last 2 winters!). 6.1%abv and fully crushable.
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